Thursday, May 9, 2013

Animal Dental Care.

Did you know that good dental care can add years to the life of your pet? 80% of dogs, cats and ferrets have some form of dental disease by the age of 3. Since there are many health problems associated with dental disease, it is in everyone's best interest to practice good dental preventative care. It can take just minutes to prolong the quality and length of your pet's life.

The most common problem associated with dental disease is pain from gum and tooth root infections which contribute to bad breath and tooth loss. You may only notice bad breath but dental disease in not something that happens over night. Since it can be a gradual process your pet may actually be used to the tooth pain and discomfort from dental disease. One of the most common comments after a pet with severe dental disease has a dental cleaning is that their pet has wonderful breath and seems so much more comfortable and happy!

With dental disease bacteria from the mouth enters the bloodstream and causes havoc with internal organ systems. The bacteria lands on heart valves and causes heart failure. As the body fights the bacteria in the blood stream the body mounts an immune response, forming clumps of immune complexes that clog the filtering system of the kidneys damaging the kidneys causing kidney failure. Any chronic inflammation in the body can cause irritation to the liver. Liver disease contributes to decrease appetite, vomiting, and stomach and intestinal upset. Eventually inflammation of the liver, also known as hepatitis, or liver failure occurs. The bacteria from the dental disease can also seed the throat and trachea causing a chronic cough and exercise intolerance. If these infections are left untreated you can see permanent damage. Another scenario from the spread of bacteria are abscesses of the bone around the tooth root. This infection can cause a hole between the mouth and the nose called a fistula. This is very painful and often requires surgical intervention to help your pet recover.

That's enough bad news. Here's the good news, YOU CAN HELP PREVENT DENTAL DISEASE IN YOUR PET! Preventative dental care is very effective. Some things are beyond your control, such as genetics, your pet's natural chemistry, breed and chewing habits. You can start with your veterinarian. During an basic exam your veterinarian can visualize the teeth and help you determine what will be necessary for your pet's dental health. Your veterinarian can show you how to brush your pet's teeth. Brushing your pet's teeth is fast and fairly easy, plus it is the most effective step toward dental health. Unfortunately only 6% of pet owners will CONSISTENTLY brush their pet's teeth. You need to brush your pet's teeth at least 3 times a week to be effective. The next best thing is flushing the mouth/teeth with oral rinses to kill bacteria in the mouth. Often these products contain zinc, which helps combat plaque and tarter, and odor eliminators to improve breath. The oral flushes

can be additives for your pet's drinking water or they can be spritzed directly on the gums and teeth. Less effective, but still effective, are edible chews or chew toys. Anything your pet chews will help but many products at the pet store or your veterinarians office will contain enzymes to help kill bacteria in the mouth. There are even special diets formulated that help your pet with special "fiber matrixes" and enzymes to shear and rub the teeth and kill the bacteria in the mouth. One other product that needs to be mentioned is a product called Oravet. Oravet is a waxy substance that you smear onto the teeth once weekly. This product helps the bacteria and saliva (plaque) to slide off the teeth, the means less build up of plaque which means less tarter. Using this product alone can decrease plaque and tarter build up by 40-60% in a year.

If you chose to do any of the above you will help improve your pet's dental health. The more you do, the better your pet's teeth. None of these preventative steps take very long. After you and your pet get into the habit, it can actually be a special bonding time to help improve the relationship between you and your pet with the additive benefit of improved dental health.

Reasons Why Dog Constipation Treatment Is So Important For Many.

To some people, the thought of their dog being constipated is silly. That being said, this happens quite often. No matter the breed, size or age, there is a chance that your dog could become constipated at some point in time. Would you know how to deal with this issue? Do you know anything about Dog Constipation Treatment?

The first thing you may want to do is contact your vet. The good thing is that there are also remedies that you can try on your own. For instance, a dog antiseptic may be just what you have been looking for.

Despite the fact that you may not feel that this is important, here are three reasons why dog constipation treatment is something you should be concerned with if your pet is facing this issue:
1. With the right treatment, your pet is going to be much more comfortable - and that is what matters the most. You want to make sure your dog is feeling good. Imagine how bad your pet would feel if it were constipated for many days. This is something that could put it in great discomfort. Is that a risk you are willing to take?
2. Helps avoid other health concerns. As you can imagine, constipation can be a problem that leads to additional issues. You don't want to make your dog's health worse because you are not treating its constipation in the appropriate manner. 
3. If dog constipation treatment works, you know that the problem has been taken care of. On the other hand, if you are not successful with the treatment it is easy to believe that something else could be going on. This means that your dog will have to undergo additional testing with hopes of pinpointing the problem.

What type of dog constipation treatment are you going to test first? This is an important question to answer. As noted above, you are able to ask your vet for tips and advice on what to do. They may even be able to supply you with an idea of how to cure the problem.

As you shop on your own, you should search for an all natural treatment for dog constipation. These products are available at local pet stores, as well as online. When you shop via the internet, you will have an easier time finding and comparing multiple products. On top of this, you will find that you are saving money. Even more so, you can read reviews from other dog owners.

Now that you know why it is so important to treat dog constipation, you should do this I your dog is ever faced with this issue. You don't want your dog to have to go too long with this problem. 

The good thing is that there are natural ways that you can help your dog relieve itself. You don't have to do anything drastic or risk its health in the meantime. Consider all this information as you seek a method to treat your dog's constipation.

 How to Keep You and Your Pet Happy and Hydrated This Summer.

Although the summer sunshine may be pleasant at first, the hot weather can quickly become tiresome and even dangerous for you, your family, and your pets. Here are a few ways in which you and your pets can stay happy, hydrated, and healthy under the summer sun: 

  • Purchase Wet Pet Food
Like us, our pets don’t always drink enough water on their accord. Luckily, wet pet food can ensure that your pet gets an additional dose of moisture during every meal. Wet food is especially important for cats, who are notoriously sparse drinkers. 
  • Take Water Everywhere
Whether you’re going to the store or on a week-long road trip, it’s important that you take a bottle of water with you. You should remind yourself to take constant sips, and refill your bottle whenever you can. Purchase a portable pet water dish and bottle to keep your furry friends hydrated on the go. 
  • Find ways to stay cool 
Keep cool by maintaining your air conditioner, going for a swim, and wearing a hat. You should also consider keeping a small pool in your yard outdoor pets. Since dogs cannot sweat like humans, try cooling down your dog with a light spray of cool water from the garden hose.
  • Maintain your plumbing 
In order to ensure that your water is clean and cold, you should have a professional plumber come and inspect your pipes and fixtures. Some plumbers can even perform maintenance on your exterior hoses and sprinklers. A sound plumbing system can help keep you and your pet cool and hydrated all summer long. 

Dehydration and exposure to heat can lead to a number of severe health risks in people and pets. Staying cool and hydrated only takes a small amount of extra effort and can be a great deal of fun!

Pet Vaccination; How Much is Too Much?

Back in 2003, the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) revised vaccination guidelines, recommending veterinarians to vaccinate adult dogs every three years instead of annually and many veterinarians have changed their protocols in respect to the new guidelines. The change was implemented after experts agreed with the overwhelming evidence showing annual vaccinations for canine diseases were unnecessary and harmful. It behooves the pet owner to avoid veterinarian service providers who recommend, and even demand, annual vaccines. There are many veterinarians who choose to ignore the guidelines as they don’t want to lose the income these booster shots bring in every year. Another veterinarian service pet owners should avoid are those provided in a parking lot or pet supply store where you and your pet are without the benefit of a relationship with the veterinarian providing the inexpensive service. Your pet may pay the price of inappropriate or unnecessary veterinarian care. Vaccinations are a major stress to your pet’s immune system and can cause side effects and allergic reactions as well as long term chronic disease such as skin allergies, arthritis, leukemia, upper respiratory infections, irritable bowel syndrome, and neurological conditions as aggressive behavior, epilepsy, auto-immune disease and cancer. It is common today for veterinarians to see sicker dogs and cats at a much younger age. Pets as young as 5 years of age are diagnosed with cancer and auto-immune disease is also on the rise. Combine over-vaccination with poor nutrition, poor breeding practices and environmental stresses and your left with generations of pets who are susceptible to chronic disease and congenital disorders. Yearly veterinary checkups are imperative for your pet as this provides them with a strong health baseline, helps pet owners recognize subtle changes in their pets over time, as well as develops a relationship between your veterinarian, you and your pet.

It is best to prepare yourself for your dog’s annual veterinary visit. Be ready to discuss the best vaccine strategy for your pet by bringing veterinary records of your pet’s vaccine history with you. Don’t assume the clinic will have the most recent information on hand and this is more imperative if you’ve changed veterinary clinics. Include all test results such as heartworm, antibody titer, blood and/or urinalysis. Have a clear idea whether you want or need your pet to receive any vaccinations for which diseases and ask your veterinarian if any particular vaccines are necessary due to conditions in the area you live in. Consider the risk. If your pet is indoors only and is never exposed to unvaccinated animals, then the risk of infection is low. Educate yourself so that you can have an intelligent conversation with your veterinarian concerning the good and bad of vaccinating your pet. Know your pet’s health; whether he has health or behavioral issues that your veterinarian should be aware of and bring a list of any medications or supplements your pet is taking along with dosage, strength and frequency. The decision to vaccinate your pet or not is very individual and should be based on extensive research before you go to your veterinarian. If you are seeing a veterinarian for the first time, it is a good idea to make an appointment to see him without your pet to discuss his philosophy toward vaccinations and other tests such as the antibody titer test. A "titer" is a measurement of how much antibody a certain antigen is circulating in the blood at that moment. A dog displaying a positive antibody titer test result is considered protected from the disease for which the vaccine is intended and does not need vaccines at that time. Never vaccinate a pet whose immune system is compromised with an infection as the vaccine might distract the immune system from handling the infection and create the likelihood that the vaccine may not produce protective immunity.

Should you choose to vaccinate your pet, consider asking your veterinarian to perform a health exam and other tests first then wait for the results. If your pet is in good health, schedule a follow-up vaccine visit. Avoid multiple vaccines in one or combination vaccines; if this is the only option available, look elsewhere. Don’t vaccinate your pet more than every three years. Some vaccines such as Lepto, Bordetella, or Lyme do not last more than one year however consider whether these diseases are heightened in your area before vaccinating your pet. Schedule these vaccines separately from the rabies vaccine if your pet needs them and administer them in another part of the body. Vaccine programs must be designed to each animals specific needs, not the masses. You need to figure the dog’s age, environment, activities, lifestyle and previous adverse vaccine reactions, if any, in the equation. Do not vaccinate puppies and kittens who are younger than 12 weeks of age as their immune systems are very vulnerable to the stress of the vaccine. Keep puppies and kittens safe from exposure by avoiding pubic areas such as parks and pet stores. Vaccinate puppies between the age of 12-15 weeks for parvovirus and distemper and wait until after they are 6 months old before vaccinating for rabies. For kittens, one Panleukopenia combination (FRCP) and, if available, have the vaccine administered separately spaced three to four weeks apart. Consider the lifestyle and environment of your cat; if he goes outside and you have rabies in your area, vaccinate him at 6 months of age. Feline leukemia and FIP vaccines may not be necessary for your cat. Keep in mind that legal requirements vary from state to state. Studies show that a single vaccination for parvovirus, distemper and panleukopenia provide long-term protection and a simple blood test will revel if antibodies levels remain high enough to resist infection therefore a "booster" is not needed. Vaccines do not need "boosting". Unless diseases are locally endemic or if a specific kennel has contracted Bordetella, corona virus, leptospirosis or Lyme, veterinarians do not recommend vaccinations. The leptospirosis vaccine is generally not useful because the currently licensed leptospira bacterins do not have the serovars which cause leptospirosis today. An alternative homeopathic method used by pet owners choosing not to vaccinate are Nosodes which can be used on animals younger than three months of age if the animal is at risk. These homeopathic medicines help protect pets against Parvovirus, Distemper, Kennel Cough, Panleukopenia and FIP. Though some nosodes work more effectively than others, they are not vaccines and do not produce titers against these diseases but seem to offer some protection in the severity of illness if the pet has been exposed even if they don’t prevent the disease.

When it comes to vaccinating your pet, educate yourself. You are your pet’s guardian and the decision is yours, not your veterinarians, nor should it be. You are responsible for the care of your companion; give them the best by researching and very carefully weighing decisions about their healthcare.

Purchase The Greatest Dog Bowls For Your Best Friend.

The phrase "a dog is a man’s best friend" was coined by Virginian attorney, George Graham Vest, in 1870, as he defended Old Drum, a farmer’s pet dog. The expression stuck, and it's still popular today. Obviously, you desire to provide the best dog bowls for your companion, so you should shop, and consider many things when choosing the best bowl. The kind of the dog bowl is important when it comes to feeding or watering your dog, whether the bowls are placed outside or indoors. The goal to finding the right bowl is one that is designed to easily let the dog drink and eat from it, as well as keeping the area around the bowl clean.

Flat-bottomed bowls tend to be the very best bowl to provide food and water for your dog. They are usually more stable than bowls which might be rounded on the bottom, and will stay upright while your fired up pooch devours his dinner. Frequently, dogs can't wait for their mealtime, so they enthusiastically eat down the food readily, however smaller dogs are likely to snack at the food, and are not so assertive about eating. While ingesting, wandering about, and rubbing his nose directly into his bowl, a dog may effortlessly tip the bowl over, creating a big mess for you to clean up. So, look at purchasing a flat-bottomed bowl when choosing one for your dog, because it will reduce the chance of your dog causing a mess.

Another thing to look for in a dog bowl is a rubber rim around the border of the bottom. A rubber rim tends to make all the difference in the world with regards to keeping the bowl in place. It will keep your bowl from sliding as the dog slurps up his pet food. Even the most hungry and excited dog will have a problem moving these type bowls, because the rubber sticks to the flooring. One that doesn't have a rubber rim can easily travel over the floor, spilling food or water as the dog drinks or eats. Rather than dealing with the mess, wouldn’t it be less difficult to find a bowl that is going to stay in place through feeding time? 

Horrible bacteria and viruses like to hang out in dog bowls. It can be worth getting a bowl that is dishwasher safe. That way, you can easily toss it in the dishwasher, run a cycle, and rest assured that the bowls is going to be sanitized. Don't forget, you want to steer clear of germs, so having a germ-free environment in your house is the goal. It is even more crucial if you have children walking around on the floor, and around the dog bowls. If these areas are not cleaned on a regular basis, small children might be exposed to the bacteria and viruses growing around the feeding containers.

Another consideration, is choosing a bowl that only your dog can get is nose and mouth in to keep his ears out from the food. That way, his sweet, floppy ears won’t obstruct, and feeding will be easier. You are lucky if you are looking for a dog bowl. There are plenty to choose from to make feeding time a cheerful time for you and your best friend.   
Select from an assortment of dog bowls from Fur My Pet since they may be found in an assortment, including paw imprinted, bone shaped, and here to learn more details about Fur My Pet.  

Pet Beds For Dogs

Pet Beds Direct are a Lancashire based company producing the ultimate in pet beds, dog beds and cat beds. Established for over 10 years, the company is noted by customers and competitors alike for its high standards and quality of workmanship.

Pet Beds Direct products are manufactured in the United Kingdom and all products are manufactured to the highest industry standards.

Pet Bed Direct try to cater for all types of cats and dogs, whether it’s a poodle or a Great dane, Pet Beds Direct can fulfil your needs.

The range start from as low as £10 so you won’t have to empty your bank account to make your pet happy. There are over 20 colours and designs to choose from.

Some of the range are as follows:

100% Waterproof Pet Bed – Available in Blue or Green.

The Waterproof Pet Bed is available in two sizes with a choice of inner fillings (hollow fibre or memory foam).

The bed is made from one of the toughest fabrics available and Pet Beds Direct are the first to offer this bed as such a low price.

Heavy Duty Waterproof Pet Mats

The waterproof mat is hard wearing and ideal for use in the car, home or in a cage. 

The mat is available in different sizes (24" x 18", 30" x 21", 36 x 24", 42" x 28" and 48" x 30"). It is available in blue, black and green.

Donut Pet Beds

The donut pet bed is made from a mixture of 50% polyester and 50% cotton with a hollow fibre filling which can easily be washed.

Each bed is made up from two separate parts (cushion and base) for easy cleaning.

Size guide:

Small 24" – Yorkshire terrier/Jack Russel Medium 30" – Staffordshire Bulldog/Border Collie Large 38" – Golden Retriever/German Shepherd Extra Large 44" – Great Dane/St Bernard

The donut pet bed comes in some of the following colours and designs:

Plain Black Black and White Bones Design Burberry Design Biege Burberry Design Australian Camouflage Design Dog pattern (Blue) Lets Go Walkies (Green) Lets Go Walkies (Orange) Lets Go Walkies (Red) Chocolate Suede Design

Traditional Style Beds

The YAPP range of designer pet beds come in different designs such as a high quality suede, traditional footprint black and cream paws and traditional footprint in brown or cream.

The traditional footprint beds are one of the best sellers at Pet Beds Direct due to its comfy fleece material. It is also very easy to wash.

The Do Not Disturb Range

The Do Not Disturb range is exclusive to Pet Beds Direct. All of the beds in this range are made using top quality fibre or foam to ensure comfort, durability and superior support for the pet.

General Features and Benefits:

  • Distinctive branding "DO NOT DISTURB TM".
  •  Designed to complement the home.
  •  Beds are shipped "flat" for transit; "fluffing" helps quicken the 100% return to plumpness.
  • Easy to clean, fully machine washable at 30c.
Hope this post was was useful for you.Please feel free to comment on my post.

Eliminate Cat Urine Odor and Stains. The Right Cleaning Products.

Cat urine odor can be very disgusting, especially if your cat starts peeing outside its litter box. Bacteria growing in the urine makes it smell like ammonia. With time, bacteria will continue growing, and making cat urine smell much worse.

Because cat urine contains and produces ammonia, it is very recommendable not to use cleaners that contain ammonia.

The cleaning products used to get rid of cat urine smell can be divided into three categories:

Chemical. Chemical based products break down the molecules that cause cat urine smell. Some of this type of products can discolor carpets or furniture. It is recommended to always try the product in a little spot. Also some chemical components can be dangerous for you or your cat.

Bacterial. Bacteria based products contain bacteria that eat the urine odor components. They also contain enzymes.

Bacteria is introduced onto the stain. Having the appropriate conditions (food, moisture and temperature) bacteria will grow and reproduce very quickly.

Enzymatic. Enzyme based products contain enzymes. The enzymes help to speed up chemical reactions. Enzymes break up the urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia, two gases that evaporate quickly.

What is the best type of product to clean up cat stains and odor?

The best option is enzyme based products. These are the products that work better to eliminate permanently cat urine odor and stains.

For stains from carpets, mattresses, sofas or upholstery, a liquid based product will not work well. Maybe you have already being in this scenario: you have pour liquid soap onto the soiled area and follow the instructions. The stain and urine odor are gone for about a week or two, and then the stain and the odor come back.

The reason why a liquid based cleaning solution does not work is that you will never be able to wash all the wet liquid out. The fibers, pores, and fabrics have absorbed deep down the odor and the stain.

Liquid cleaners mask the smell during a short time. After a few days, the smell comes back.

The only way to get rid of stains and smell is to use a dry powder cleaning product. They work as sponges absorbing the elements that cause the odor.

Hope This Post was helpful for you to know about your cat.Feel Free to comment on this post.

Why Do Cats Like To Sleep So Much

  • One thing is for sure: cats know how to sleep. And they sleep a lot. However, so far nobody knows why they sleep so much, but you gotta admit that they are the most adorable creatures when asleep
  • As they choose the weirdest place to sleep. Either on top of a dog or in a pot. You name a place and they are there :)

Well, it's a known fact that cats evolved from a long line of hunters and predators and that probably has an effect on their sleeping pattern. Their diet may also play an important role. Since they are on protein rich diet that doesn't take them a lot of time of the day, they have plenty of time to sleep. 

And sometimes all they do is sleep, since they don't have things to do. Of course this applies for indoor cats. But there is always something you can find for your cat to do and stay awake and entertained. 

While newborn cats, well they sleep most of the time, but believe it or not this actually keeps them safe. As they don't attract attention and by that I mean, they don't attract predators. 
As for the cats in the wild, well they are constantly on alert in order to survive. 

While indoor cats are sleeping, they are still active and ready to go into action. And you can see that as all cats while sleeping have their ears rotating and as soon as they hear a noise or sense that someone is coming they open their eyes to check out the situation and if safe they go back to sleep again. 

And as I've already said at the beginning cats sleep basically anywhere. At the table, on a top of a piano, on the edge, anywhere. 
As long as it safe and comfortable enough for it to stretch that body. :) For example when it's cold it tries to find a shaded place where it can stretch out. While during the cool winter days a cat will try to find a place warm enough, like warm sunshine or next to a heat source. 

Another interesting fact is that cats like to sleep in their owners' beds. And people who use this method actually benefit from it, as it strengthens the human-feline bond and let's not forget all the warmth and the comfort your cat gives you. 

And one last thing. Cats dream, too. But, unfortunately for now we can only guess what they dream about.

Hope This Post Was Helpful To Know Something About Your Cat.