Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cat Insurance For Behavioural Problems

Some cats groom themselves to excess and in doing so damage their hair and skin. Cheap pet insurance policies don’t always offer cover for the treatment of behavioural problems, so when you get a pet insurance quote you may want to check that your policy includes behavioural problems such as excessive grooming.

A habit of excessive self-grooming could indicate an underlying medical condition, but it could also be a behavioural problem that develops as a result of anxiety. Although it is natural for cats to groom themselves, it is important to see excessive grooming as a warning sign to respond to.

According to a survey done in 2008 by the PFMA, 7% of people keep cats because they are easy to maintain. However, cats that take their self-maintenance to extremes can end up licking, nibbling, and even chewing at their hair and skin until they develop skin irritations. The rough texture of a cat’s tongue can make this problem even worse, leading to hair loss and skin inflammation wherever the cat has been obsessively grooming. 

Some cats that develop this habit only do a little damage to their coat, but in some cases the effects can be extreme, leading to ulcers and thick scabs covering the majority of the animal’s body. 

Although this fixation on cleaning is sometimes due to an underlying medical condition, in many cases stress is the cause. As cats are territorial, the introduction of a new member to the household can be extremely stressful. Whether this addition is a new cat, a new flat-mate or a new baby, your pet will have to readjust to alterations in the group dynamic, and may use grooming as part of this alteration process.

Separation anxiety can be another trigger for excessive grooming. Cats are well known for being independent, but this reputation isn’t always accurate. Some pets become extremely attached to their owners and suffer from acute separation anxiety when they are left alone. This anxiety could lead your cat to damage themselves with excessive grooming.

In addition to emotional factors such as these, excessive grooming can also be due to medical conditions such as parasites, fungal infections or allergic reactions. Before your pet can be treated, you need to know whether your cat’s excessive grooming is a response to an underlying medical condition, or if the excessive grooming has caused a medical condition. The best way to find out is to take your cat to a vet. 

If the underlying cause is a behavioural issue, your vet may refer you to a specialist. Many pet insurance policies will provide up to £250 per period of insurance for the cost of specialist treatment. With the correct medical care it shouldn’t take long for your cat’s skin irritation to clear, leaving both you and your cat stress-free.

Smart Tips On How To Get Rid Of Cat Fleas

Fleas can make your pet miserable. Itching and hair loss are some of the common indications of an infestation of the cat flea, a common pest. To successfully get rid of them, it is important to treat your entire home as well as the pet to prevent re-infestation.

Keep in mind that cat fleas are commonly found on dogs too. They will also bite humans, especially in the ankle areas, but cannot infest them. Understanding the life cycle of the flea is important to successfully treating your pet and ridding them your home.

An adult flea lays its eggs on your pet. As the eggs dry, they drop off, settling into your furniture and carpets. As they hatch into the larval stage, they survive on organic matter and the fecal matter of the adult flea, which contains the blood the adults have ingested. In essence, the adult fleas provide food for their young by feeding on you and your pets.

Eventually, the larvae spin cocoons where they will stay as pupae until they change into fleas. When the juvenile fleas sense the presence of a host, they emerge from the cocoon and jump onto the host within seconds, and begin feeding within a few minutes. Knowing this, it is easy to appreciate how hard it can be to break their life cycle and stop them from infesting your home and animals.

If you notice your pet scratching furiously and suspect fleas may be the culprit, there is an easy way you can check. Get a paper towel slightly wet and place your pet over top of it. Brush the pet's fur, letting fur and pet dander fall onto the paper towel. If dark spots are visible, and turn red, it could be the blood in flea feces as it dissolves. By visiting your vet, flea presence can be confirmed.

Once you know for sure, begin treating your pet and home. Carefully read all instructions and warnings on the product label as some can be dangerous if improperly used or administered to the wrong type of animal. Some chemicals can affect people and are unsafe for use around fish tanks. Be sure to follow all directions.

Treat all areas your pet spends time in. This includes your vehicle and yard. Vacuuming thoroughly before using treatments can force fleas to emerge from their cocoons, ensuring you eradicate as many as possible. Always empty and clean your vacuum after use, and get rid of bags immediately, sealing them in plastic bags and disposing of them away from you home.

With persistence and vigilance, you can have success in ridding your pet and home of fleas. Sometimes a repeat treatment is necessary to ensure complete eradication. Breaking the flea life cycle is imperative to ensuring they are no longer a problem for your pet and in your home.

Cat Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a cleansing mechanism of the body to rid of foreign substances that have irritated the bowel tract. Because diarrhea is abnormal we know that the cat is sick and we become frightened. Fortunately there are home remedies for cats which will aid the cat to return to its normal pattern. 

To restore your cat to becoming normal in the elimination process you need to consider feeding him bland foods such as chicken, beef, turkey, or lamb baby food. 

White Chicken or fish is also a good option. If your cat likes rice, macaroni, or potatoes mix any one of these with chicken or beef as treatment. 

Unflavored yogurt is another good choice to be considered. The yogurt helps to restore the necessary bacteria in the intestines. 

Do not give milk or other dairy products, as cats are lactose intolerant. Dairy products are difficult to digest and your cat is weak from the diarrhea. 

One day of diarrhea is okay, but if it lasts longer you will need to see your vet. And before you see your vet you will need to be prepared to help with the diagnosis as to the possibilities which might have caused the diarrhea. 

Here is a list of possibilities for the diarrhea:

Did you discover your cat eating out of the garbage? Did you introduce a new food? Has there been a change in activity? Is your cat experiencing stress? Has your cat played or eaten a non-food item? Has your cat eaten people food? Did any food that your cats consume contain dyes or artificial ingredients?

Also note any other symptoms that your cat may be experiencing. Symptoms may include vomiting, difficulty in walking, fever, and worms. These other symptoms could possibly indicate feline distemper or other types of diseases. 

One day is a light case of diarrhea and with the assistance of home remedies it will clear. However, if the diarrhea lasts more than one day and no matter what you do you cannot control it, see your vet. Do not let the diarrhea last more than twenty-four hours. After that time frame it becomes a very serious condition. 

Also kittens less than twelve weeks of age should be taken to the vet immediately. Do not let a whole day pass.

Fish Oil for Cats

Why Your Cat Needs Fish Oil

Fish Oil for Cats - Does your cat have dry, hairless patches? Does she show signs of low or no energy and stiff joints? Perhaps you have to get him a pharmaceutical grade fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids supplement. Say what? You might be considering right this moment.

Well, much like fish oil for human beings, fish oil for felines could help boost its immune system, cognitive functions, arthritis, behavior, levels of cholesterol, provide cancer prevention and give them a shiny coat.

Benefits of fish oil for cats can also assist with swelling which, if not treated, can lead to the kind of difficulties as strokes, heart attacks, high-cholesterol, early death, and many different kinds of infections.

Fish Oil for Cats is also really effective in treating numerous overall health difficulties and increasing their survival rate. Veterinarians are using fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids for cats in a regular therapy program because they are much more quickly absorbed into the system and show results faster than most of the others.

Exactly like our own food, their food lacks the extra Omega-3 fatty acids which they need just as much as we do. You may be asking yourself why you should worry about such a small dietary detail just for a cat, however let's be honest, exactly what would we do without having our furry friends? Study demonstrates those who own pets have far less health problems than individuals who do not special pets.

It has been verified that pet owners use a reduced heart attack mortality rate by 3%, better psychological well-being, reduced triglyceride and cholesterol levels, less stress, and visit the physician much less than people who do not have pets.

Research also show that kids who've pets experience a nurturing nature that might keep on into adult-hood, stay involved in extracurricular activities, for example sports activities, clubs, and hobbies, possess increased cognitive abilities, and less allergies when subjected to pets throughout their 1st years of life.

Right after giving the cat fish oil, you may not notice a change for some months. That is because, once again, the same as us, their systems change from within. From individual cells, to tissues, to organs, and ultimately the skin and hair become radiant. You don't have to purchase a special fish oil with omega-3 fatty acids for cats, the ones all of us use works just fine.

Omega-3 fatty acids that supply most advantages are DHA and EPA. Examine labels carefully to find the purest form of omega-3 fatty acids fish oil that filter out harmful toxins in the fish from the water streams they come from, making sure it has already been molecularly distilled in order to filter the harmful toxins that consist of the harmful chemicals mercury and dioxin. It's correct our cats need all of us for his or her well being just like we need them for our well being. Buy Fish Oil for Cats for your loved feline today
Fish Oil for Cats-Like fish oil for humans, Fish Oil for Cats can help improve cats immune system, cognitive functions, arthritis, behavior, cholesterol levels, provide cancer prevention and give them a shiny coat.

Information About Chlamydia in Cats

Both bacteria and viruses can cause conjunctivitis in cats. This condition is known as pink eye, the same thing that can affect dogs, humans, and other animals. Feline chlamydia results from a bacterial infection. Cats are usually infected with other viruses along with this disease like herpes virus and calicivirus. 

Chlamydia in cats usually affects those at the younger or older end of the spectrum. Those with damaged immune systems or other illness of some sort have an increased risk too. However, the bacterial infection can cause symptoms in any cat.

There is an assortment of ways that feline chlamydia can be transmitted. The bacteria can be passed via eye discharge, nose secretions, or saliva from infected cats. Mothers are also capable of transmitting the disease to their kittens while giving birth.

You should also know that it's possible chlamydia in cats to be transmitted in indirect ways. The bacteria can live in bedding, food dishes, and other places and can infect your cat if he comes into contact with them. Owners can also harbor the bacteria on their hands and pass it along to their felines.

Seeing the white of your cat's eyes turn red is one of the primary signs of feline chlamydia. The eye may also swell, with the third eyelid closing partially. Discharge that's very watery may also appear from the eyes. All of this will irritate your cat's eye, causing him to paw at it frequently. This illness may only cause symptoms in one eye at first. Eventually though, both eyes will likely experience problems. As mentioned, chlamydia in cats usually occurs at the same time as other respiratory conditions. Cats may have a fever, discharge from the nose, coughing, and sneezing if this occurs. 

Feline chlamydia doesn't usually prove difficult to treat as long as it's mild. Antibiotics can get rid of the bacteria. They may be given orally or placed directly in the affected eyes. The condition can get more problematic though if there are other problems at the same time. Your cat may have an upper respiratory illness that requires hospitalization.

Whenever giving your cat antibiotics to treat any condition, it's vital to go through the entire regimen. If you don't, then the bacteria you're trying to get rid of may mutate and grow stronger. If this happens, they may become resistant to the antibiotics.

If you have multiple cats in your household, then you'll especially need to be careful with feline chlamydia. It can easily be transmitted to other cats. Keep infected cats in seclusion. Disinfect bedding, food dishes, and other places that can harbor the bacteria. Also, make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after you touch the infected cat so that you don't spread it to your other felines.
Hopefully, you're aware that there are many different conditions that can affect your cat such as rhinotracheitis in felines. Learning about these conditions will help you get your cat treated quickly in case he does fall ill. Make sure you stop by right now to learn about many of these diseases in felines.

The Truth About Cat Endocrine Alopecia.

There are many reasons why cats can experience problems with hair loss. A relatively rare reason for this to occur is because of feline endocrine alopecia. Vets don't exactly know why this rare skin condition occurs.

Whenever it does develop though, your cat's hair will start thinning. Various areas of the body will be affected by hair loss. You may notice that these areas appear to be the same on both sides of the body. Two areas that are most often affected include the rear legs and abdominal region.

Certain other medical conditions can mimic the signs caused by feline endocrine alopecia. To see if your cat is really suffering from this condition, the vet will have to rule out other possible causes of the hair loss first. Parasites and conditions like ringworm can cause similar signs.

In order to make a diagnosis of endocrine alopecia in cats, vets typically look at a sample of hairs under a microscope. Doing so can help determine at what stage of their growth the hair were broken. Skin scrapings around the affected area can also help determine what's causing hair loss in your cat. Fungal infections like ringworm can easily cause signs.

A blood sample may also be in order if your vet suspects feline endocrine alopecia to be the problem. The sample won't be tested in the office though. A laboratory will need to inspect it to see how the endocrine system is functioning as far as hormones go.

As mentioned earlier, vets don't know why cat endocrine alopecia develops. Hormones like testosterone, estrogen, or thyroid hormone are some of the leading suspects though. Cats with the condition may need to start a regimen of hormone therapy to deal with it.

Cats that are eating foods that they're allergic to may experience spontaneous hair loss. Therefore, you may need to start your cat on a food trial to see if it helps relieve the signs. You may need to start feeding your cat a different type of food.

Sometimes, feline endocrine alopecia is treated with medications that are designed to grow the hair back. This isn't always the preferred method of treatment in cats though. These medications can lead to serious side effects in some felines. They can be toxic to the liver over time and also cause cardiac problems.

Cats may even develop other conditions like diabetes mellitus after taking these medications. Some even experience changes in their behavior.
It is vital that cat owners be aware that their feline can be affected by many different conditions such as chlamydia in cats. Learning about these conditions will help you get your cat treated quickly in case he does fall ill. To learn about a range of cat health problems, head on over to today.

Fish Aquarium Tanks Add Life to Your Game Room Decoration(Décor)

Fish Aquarium Tanks make a beautiful enhancement to the décor of any room, and especially brings life and color to a game room. Game rooms are areas where family and guests relax, let their hair down and have some fun. Having an aquarium full of lively, colorful fish enlivens the décor. Watching fish swim in a tank is proven to enhance relaxation and adds hours of enjoyment while winding down after a hard day at work. 

Fish Aquarium Tanks are enjoyable, but they are expensive to start up and maintain. Several hours a week must be devoted to maintenance and cannot be ignored. Those that do not have the time to devote may have to employ a service resulting in a substantial monthly fee. Aquariums are worth all the trouble and money once they become established. A well maintained aquarium needs less maintenance and fish last longer to provide many hours of enjoyment.

Place fish aquarium tanks in an area that is easily viewed, yet out of the way of general traffic. Keep it away from furnishings that are damaged by splashing water. Make sure there is enough room all around the tank so that maintenance will be trouble free. Many aquariums come with a base that holds the weight of the tank. Water weighs a little over 8 pounds per gallon, so a 20 gallon tank would weigh approximately 180 pounds. The floors in most homes will support 75 gallons or less without having to add extra bracing. Never place fish aquarium tanks in front of a window or near a heat source that may cause fluctuating temperatures within the tank. Placing an aquarium near an electrical outlet makes for easy connection for the heater and filter, which are run by electricity. 

Match the color of gravel for the bottom of the tank with the décor of the room. Gravel comes in a wide range of colors from natural, black and neon colors. Include either live or plastic plants to make a nice environment for the fish. Lighting also comes in different colors to match the room décor. Many different decorations enhance the appearance of fish aquarium tanks. Choose from a variety of statues including sunken pirate ships to driftwood or rocks that provide a place for fish to hide and rest. Choose colorful fish of all sizes to enhance the appeal of the aquarium. Consult a professional to see compatible types of fish suitable for the aquarium.

Fish aquarium tanks come in a variety of sizes and shapes. There are those that are plain rectangles, but they also come in many other shapes. Tanks with flat fronts give the best view of the fish because the view is not distorted by connecting glass. Tanks are custom made to any size and shape. They are affixed to a wall, used as a divider between rooms, placed inside a fireplace instead of having a fire or imbedded in the floor or ceiling. There are so many good choices and in a game room, anything goes.

Things You Need to Know About Fish Aquarium Maintenance.

If you own a fish aquarium chances are that you already know the essential fish aquarium maintenance of maintaining it nice and clean. Nevertheless there are a whole several other essential types of maintenance that should manifest on top of the in tank fundamental cleaning and water changes. By making use of some easy steps you')ll reduce the quantity of work and effort you')ll have to put into your aquarium.

One of the best methods for fish aquarium maintenance is that you should not over feed your fish. In case you happen to be providing the fish more food then they can consume in just a few minutes then you')re providing them with very much. This may basically result in rotting food that could make the waters deadly for your fish to reside in.

Yet another thing to take into account with fish aquarium maintenance is always to maintain water which is ageing on hand. You can simply accomplish this by using old milk jugs that you load with water. By aging the water you do not have to purchase special water for water changes meaning that you')ll save money.

In addition to the previously discussed aged water have some other advantages for fish aquarium maintenance. These include that the aged water doesn')t have chemicals to treat it meaning that you are not buying these kind of chemicals. Furthermore the water is the most suitable temperature so you do not have to worry about the temperature as it is coming from the tap.

You should also possess a quarantine aquarium tank for sick fish if you want to know several of the appropriate fish aquarium maintenance. This is simply because a single sick fish can easily make a whole aquarium sick. In addition be sure that you quarantine new fish for some time before releasing them to the conditions of your aquarium.

Buy Cheap Pet Meds Without Comprising Your Pet's Health.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, nearly 63% of all households in the United States own a pet. A very important reason why people prefer to keep pets is that they are good company and very loving. Most pets make good friends and keep the owners busy. These pets can be bought from a breeder or a pet store or even be adopted from the local animal shelter. Whatever type of pet you decide to have, you need to take good care and ensure that he/she remains safe and healthy. This involves providing the pet adequate and the right type of food, taking good care of its health and getting them the necessary treatments on time. You can easily buy cheap pet meds from any of the established pet pharmacies.

Where to Buy Cheap Pet Meds?
You just need to do a little research and compare the prices of various pet medicines offered by a veterinarian and a pharmacy to find out which is cheaper. You can save as much as 50% if you buy cheap pet meds from various established online pharmacies selling pet medicines and pet food products. These pharmacies not only sell pet medicines but also pet food supplies and any other products required to take good care of a pet.

Several people raise doubts about the quality and efficacy of the cheap pet meds available in the market. But one does not need to worry about the quality if you are buying from an established and registered pharmacy. These online pharmacies are able to sell you pet medicines at cheaper rates because of their low overhead and maintenance costs.

Need for and Type of Cheap Pet Meds
Taking care of your pet is very important and this requires that you take it to a veterinarian on a regular basis. This will help you avoid many types of illnesses. But whenever your pet falls ill or behaves irrationally due to some disease or infection, you need to get a proper check up done and buy the necessary medicines. There are different types of pet medicines- some are specific to an animal while others can be common to all animals. Then there are medicines that need to given to treat a specific condition or problem. These include pain killers, medicines for infections, medicines for worms, fleas, bugs etc. Another class of pet medicines is the preventive medicines that are given to a pet to avoid it catching some disease. Again there are several types of multi vitamins or food supplements that may be needed to be given to you pet on a regular basis.

While you need to approach your veterinarian for any serious illness that problem that may plague your pet, you can easily save money by purchasing cheap meds that fall in the category of preventive or supplements category. Again in case of other medicines that have been prescribed by a veterinarian for treatment of a specific infection or ailment troubling your pet, you can opt for generic medicines.

Cheap Pet Insurance for Dogs.

With the advance of veterinary medicine and the related increase in costs, pet insurance has become necessary for most pet owners. The good news is that increased competition amongst pet insurance companies has led to the reduction of pet insurance costs resulting in an abundance of cheap pet insurance plans. Cheap pet insurance coverage, plans and premiums vary depending on the type of pet covered. Some of the cheapest pet insurance products available are those that cover cats and dogs. It may however prove difficult to find cheap pet insurance for less common pets such as birds. Now that you know that there are cheap pet insurance plans out there, the only thing is to know how and where to find them. Fortunately, by browsing online, it is easy to find cheap pet insurance. Just remember to do some price comparisons in order to ensure that you get the best deal possible. 

When shopping for cheap pet insurance, you should take the following into consideration in order to make a good purchasing decision. The first thing is to check the deductibles offered. You will find that most cheap pet insurance policies come with high deductibles for purposes of minimizing risk to the insurance company. It is therefore important to purchase a policy with an average deductible amount as higher deductibles will only serve to negate the whole purpose of having pet insurance. Another thing to consider when shopping for your cheap pet insurance are the limits. This is because insurance covers will typically have certain limits, such as preexisting health conditions or even the age factor of your pet. It is therefore advisable to purchase a cheap pet insurance policy with minimum limits associated with the cover. 

There are two main cheap pet insurance plans available on the market. These include pet health insurance and pet liability insurance. Pet health insurance will cover your pet in the event of injury, sickness and medical checkups. Various pet health insurance plans offer different coverage. In most cases, you can find a good cheap pet insurance policy which covers annual checkups as well as emergency medical treatments. Pet liability insurance is important as you never know when your pet could harm your kids or neighbors, whether intentionally or not, thereby leading to injury or death. It is therefore of the utmost important to purchase a pet liability insurance policy which will provide financial cover against damages incurred due to the violent behavior of your normally non-violent pet. 

A good place to begin your search for cheap insurance policies is by finding one that covers most claims for the least amount of money. You may begin by browsing the websites of major pet insurance providers and take a look at their policies and premium amounts, not forgetting the deductibles. You could also call these companies and request for a quote or even attempt to negotiate a better deal on your pet’s insurance cover. This is the smartest way of finding a good pet insurance plan that is pocket friendly as well.

Horse Studs: How to Choose the Right One For Your Mare

Breeding a foal can be one of the most exciting times in a horse owner’s life. You have the ideal broodmare, you have your eye on a couple of stallions that will complement her, and you have all the facilities set up at home to accommodate a proud mother and her youngster’s first wobbly explorations. However, it has to be remembered that these are not the only aspects that need to be considered when planning a mare’s pregnancy. The horse studs, the yards where the stallions reside, have to be of sufficient quality as well. This is vital whether your mare will be remaining there for the duration of her pregnancy or is simply visiting for a few hours or a couple of days.

When it comes to the horse stud you leave your mare at, never accept second best. Do make sure you visit each stud and stallion in person, if at all possible. This not only gives you a better idea of the stud’s level of service and expertise, but also allows you to see the stallion in the flesh. Up close, he might not be all that you imagined from the glossy magazine photos. Always trust your first impressions of a place, as those instincts are very often accurate. Make the most of the time you have visiting each horse stud as you will usually only have a relatively short time to ask questions, form your opinions and decide which of the horse studs is best for you and your broodmare.

Before you even look at the horse studs, make sure you know exactly how much you will be paying as there is where a lot of novice breeders get caught out. The stud fee only covers the stallion serving your mare- ask the horse studs to tell you exactly what other costs would be involved, preferably on paper. How much are livery charges? Will there be a groom’s fee? Do they offer a No Foal No Fee or a No Foal Free Return option?

If you can’t see evidence of the following points when you arrive at a stud, it might be worth looking elsewhere. Every respectable horse stud should be able to offer:

Knowledgeable, helpful staff’Good quality grazing and well maintained pastureland.Safe fencing (preferably post and rail- although check that the wood is in acceptable condition, no splintering, protruding nails or warped, weak looking spots).Have a look at the stallions and other horses on the property. Are they in good weight and overall condition? Do they seem happy and alert? Or are they listless with dull coats?The horse studs should have a specific place to examine mares- somewhere safe that the vet can use to carry out pregnancy tests etc.They should be able to provide evidence of an experienced visiting specialist stud vet.Good stud hygiene and cleanliness should be evident.Last but certainly not least- they should provide customer service that is polite, helpful and consistent.Most well known, established horse studs will have good facilities available and will conduct themselves in a reliable, professional manner. This level of service is what they have built their reputations upon. Consequently, they understand the importance of keeping their tools up to date and having experienced staff on hand. These horse studs usually demand slightly higher livery and stud fees, due to the amount of money they invest into their facilities. While it might take a little longer to save up, it can mean greater peace of mind in the long run, as you know your mare will be well cared for.

That’s not to say that a lesser-known horse stud can’t come up trumps. You simply might have to do a little more of your own homework as a younger yard won’t have had time to build up a widespread positive reputation just yet. If you put the work in, you will track down a suitable horse stud in no time, and be confident that you and your mare will receive the best service possible.

Search our Horse Studs and Stallions at stud directory listings here

Betta Fish Care: Proven Tips for Avoiding Betta Fish Diseases

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And truer words were never spoken when it comes to betta fish diseases. Because it is so much easier to keep your finny friends healthy and happy than it is to cure them of what ails them. Assuming of course you can even figure out what ails them to begin with. 

Sadly there are many betta fish owners who are struggling with keeping their charges in the pink so to speak. While for some keeping their fish alive for longer than a few months is proving easier said than done. Again this is often because many do not know what to look for when it comes to diseases that bettas are prone to. 

But a lot of this grief for you and your fish can be avoided it you'll but follow a few common sense rules. They are relatively simple to understand. And following them can go a long way to keeping your fish healthy. So rather than get into all the ailments that can strike your fish, let's see if we can't help you avoid all that unpleasantness by taking a closer look at what steps to take to keep your fish healthy in the first place. 

Rule#1: Keep the water pristine at all times. 

Rule#2: Keep the water temperature tropical. 

Rule#3: Do not overfeed your bettas or risk violating Rule Number 1. 

Noww if you read anything about betta fish care you'll soon come across the words "regular water changes". This applies whether you keep your fish in a gallon bowl, (not recommended) or a 20 gallon tank. You see, betta fish need water quality that is a cut above. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates all can build up. And when they do the fish suffers. And a suffering fish is more apt to become a sick fish. This is why you want to change the water your prized crowntail occupies to keep the levels of those toxins to a minimum. Zero is the target reading for those pollutants. And you get there and keep it there by taking water out of the tank and replacing it with fresh. 

Oh and while we're on the topic of water ditch any notions you have that distilled water is best. It's not. Zero minerals do not a healthy betta make. So stick with conditioned or aged tap water. Your fish will be "betta off" pardon the play on words when you do. 

Next you want to remember that halfmoon bettas are tropical fish. They need water that is consistently kept around 80 degrees F or so. That's hard to do without a heater. Even harder still to do if you insist on keeping your fish in a tiny bowl. Not only will higher temps be more comfortable for your fish, they'll keep parasites that thrive in lower temps at bay. Leaving you less health issues to worry about. 

It also helps to remember that all tropical fish are consummate beggars. Bettas are no exception. They can easily convince you they are starving. And who doesn't like to feel good by giving those flashing fins a treat? Problem is when the treats aren't all eaten you are just contributing to water problems. Not to mention the risk of overfeeding and all that entails. So the way to your fish's heart isn't through their stomach. It's by taking the high road to health and only feeding what they need, not what they think they want. 

There are few things as fulfilling as seeing a healthy betta fish recognize and greet you when you enter the room. Remember these three rules and you too can enjoy that feeling for years to come.
This article was provided by If you need help diagnosing betta fish diseases, want to know how long bettas live or are confused about the best thing to feed your bettas, that's the site for you. When it comes to betta fish care you will find that site to be a gold mine of useful tips and ideas.

Fish Disease - Trouble with Ich

"Ich" is one of the most common freshwater diseases in fish. "Ich" is caused by the ciliated protozoa, Ichthyophthirius and is a major concern to aquarists and commercial fish producers across the globe. One of the most concerning aspects of this disease is that it is highly contagious and spreads quickly from one fish to another; furthermore, this disease has a high mortality rate and, if left untreated, may result in 100% mortality rate.

"Ich" is particularly harmful to the skin and gills and can be identified by small white spots on the skin and/or gills. These white spots are the result of the parasite burrowing into the skin of the fish to feed. In addition to the blister-like white spots on the skin and/or gills, your fish may seem sluggish or you may find them scratching themselves on rocks and gravel. You may also witness your fish bobbing at the top of the aquarium for air as the "Ich" infects the gill area. 

Preventing "Ich" from taking hold in your aquarium is crucial to fish health. Practicing proper quarantine methods before adding new fish to the environment is the first step to prevention. Maintaining water quality, adding a consistent diet and avoiding temperature swings in the aquarium are all crucial steps to maintaining the health of your aquarium.

Treatment of "Ich" can be troublesome due to the parasites’ uncommon life cycle. Water temperature plays a significant role on the parasites’ life cycle and can be leveraged in the treatment of the disease. While chemical or parasitic treatments of the disease may rid fish of the parasites affecting them, these treatments usually breakdown in the aquarium by the time the second or third generation emerges from cysts left from the first generation. For this reason, increasing water temperature speeds up the life cycle so fewer treatments may be used. 

Unlike other fish diseases, any outbreak of "Ich" should be treated immediately and aggressively. Because it is easily introduced into an aquarium, proper quarantine methods, along with a good diet and water quality, should be followed to prevent this horrible disease from affecting your fish.

For More Information On Fish Diseases Click Here

How To Care For Your Betta Fish.

Betta fish, or betta  splendens (their scientific name), come from a decent sized genus of fish, commonly called Siamese fighting fish. They are relatively small in size and usually brightly colored. Bettas are a special kind of fish called a labyrinth fish. They are typically aggressive fish, and were forced to fight each other for lots of yearsbrutal actions have earned them the title Siamese fighting fish. For this reason, They are usually happiest when in their own tank.

Bettas are relatively small. The average Bettas barely get to 3 inches long in their lifetime. Bettas in the fish stores have vibrant and exotic colors. These fish are the results of many years of selective breeding. All have fins that are fairly small, but because of selective breeding some have larger fanned out fins.

For the most part, it's a good idea to keep male bettas separate. They will battle one another every chance they can if they are together. This is also true for betta fish of opposing sexes. Unless you are breeding betta fish – which is really best left for the more seasoned fish keeper, one shouldn't ever keep opposing sex betta fish with each other. Female bettas are the exception. With the condition that you have a large enough tank, you can have groups of 3 – 7 females together. There should also be lots of of places to hide when they are kept together. However, bettas are able to be be in the same tank as other varieties of fish. Learn about betta fish compatible tank mates to ensure you choose the right types of fish.

They have a really unique mating system. The male spreads out his fans and flares his gills to try to arouse the female. The female will darken in color when she becomes aroused. A nest of bubbles will be made near the surface by the male. 

At this point, the female will drop her eggs, so the male can fertilize them. The male betta will then gather up all the eggs in his mouth and deposit them carefully into the nest of bubbles. The fertilized eggs will stay in the safety of the nest of bubbles while they hatch and are able to swim on their own.

Recognizing their violent attitude, it's no big shock that they are carnivorous fish. They have upturned mouths and enjoy feeding on the surface of the water. Mosquito and other insect larvae provides most of their diet in the wild. If you own a betta, you can find specific food that is called betta pellets. Betta flakes and pellets are a combination of brine shrimp, shrimp, grains and mosquito larvae. it is also possible to find frozen foods to feed your betta fish.

Many people say that Bettas have a lifespan of only two to three years, yet in a proper fish tank, betta fish can live for as long as seven years. Just make sure that you provide the right habitat and food. If you are searching for a really amazing fish to keep, Bettas are a great choice.

For More Information About Betta Fish Click here

Guinea pigs Sounds

Guinea pigs use sounds as a primary means of communication.
Since cavies are herd animals,
sounds are their means of maintaining social rank.
Understanding guinea pig sounds is one of the basic prerequisites for understanding
what your pet is trying to tell you.
(Turn your speakers on, crank up the volume and click on the sound name to actually hear it. Don’t be surprised if your pet suddenly jumps into ‘stand-by’ mode if in the hearing range:)

1. Wheeking (when rustling with a plastic bag)

  • Onomatopoeic name for a guinea pig sound which is sometimes also called squealing or whistling
  • It is a common vocalization generally communicating anticipation and excitement, particularly about being fed, or in response to the presence of its owner
  • Wheeking is considered to be a form of begging, in some cases mostly heard in the morning and the evening (associated with feeding time)
  • Sometimes it serves as a call for an attention as they frequently call to their human slaves
  • One can often hear this sound when owner opens refrigerator or is rustling with plastic bags which guinea pig usually links to food source.

2. Uncertain Begging for Food.

  • This is an upgrade from the plastic-bag/fridge-opening begging. Your guinea pig soon learns other food-proximity indicators
  • This is an example of a guinea pig which is not completely sure, but seriously suspects that food is near, and is giving you a notice that he/she is also near, and ready to make that food gone
  • The sound in the background is the sound of cleaning and chopping the carrot. This guinea pig has learned that when we are preparing vegetables for a soup, there’s going to be treats. Possibly lots of them. And this is just the reminder – when he becomes sure of it, then the real wheeking begins.

3. Bubbling and Purring 

  • Bubbling or purring can be heard when the cavy is enjoying itself/being happy (e.g. when being petted or held)
  • Can be also produced when given food, grooming, or crawling around to investigate a new place
NOTE: Beware of the purring pitch and body language which complements this guinea pig sound category and could change original meaning (if the purr is higher pitched toward the end, andyour pet seems to vibrate and tense, this could be interpreted as a sound of annoyance)

4. Grazing 

  • Calming, relaxing sound of guinea pig grazing hay
  • Noise of spreading hay around with the animal’s front feet can be heard in the background
TIP: Before going to work, provide your pet with fresh dose of hay, put the cage near you and enjoy morning meditatio

5. Chirping 

  • Possibly the least understood or heard guinea pig sound
  • Sound pattern similar to bird song
  • Could be related to stress or when a baby pigs want to be fed

6. Snoring when sleeping 

  • Sound recorded while guinea pig was sleeping comfortably on the human slave belly, wrapped in the cozy towel
  • Breathing rhythm on the record does not represent the real breathing rhythm, because some of the parts were cut off so that sounds could be heard as clearly as possible
  • Do you have snoring problems? This guinea pig is daring any human to beat him in the snoring contest, se feel free to accept the challenge!
NOTE: If your guinea pig starts to make similar sounds to snoring (or wheezing/clicking) when breathing, be sure to check for symptoms of illness, just to be on the safe side

7. Beer Please! 

  • This sound has nothing to do with what you think it has to do
  • Loosely translated, it means “Can I have some beer please!“
  • It is often heard when putting the guinea pig on the starfighter in space-battle situations
  • It is reported that complying with this translation saves the owner some fingers
  • It is NEVER recommended to give your guinea pig a beer if not on the starfighter in space-battle setting

“Bad” guinea pig sounds: You are about to loose a finger (or nose tip).8. Rumbling 

  • Sounds like purring, only lower pitched (deeper) and accompanied with vibrating.
  • Response to being scared or angry in which case the rumble often sounds higher and the body vibrates shortly
  • Also related to dominance within a group
  • Petting in the wrong spots (for instance, on your pet’s underside) often results in low rumbling sound

9. Whining
10. Chutting and Whining 

Used to communicate annoyance or dislike for something an owner or another guinea pig is doing
Can be head in pursuit situations (both the pursuer and the pursuee)

11. Teeth Chattering 

  • Aggressive vocalization: a sign of an agitated or angry cavy
  • This guinea pig sound is made by rapidly gnashing the teeth
  • Often accompanied by showing the teeth (looks like a yawn, but more sinister) and raising the head
  • Freely interpreted as “back off” or “stay away”

12. Fight-or-Flight 

  • If you hear this sound, it could already be too late – you probably already took a hit 
  • Usually accompanied by teeth chattering (see previous), in some cases this sound represents the animal defending itself (usually from inside the hiding place), sometimes when tempering with the food or bedding in its near proximity
  • In other cases, it could be heard while the animal is escaping, in reaction to perceived sudden danger
  • Shortly after producing this sound, usually follows the strike – the animal is reaching out with its head from its hiding place in a short burst, trying to hit “the enemy” with its teeth
  • Owners are advised to respect the pet’s private quarters and to stay calm if getting bitten – in no circumstances should one hit the animal or yell at it
  • Our research suggests that this kind of guinea pig behavior is not very common

13. Squealing or Shrieking 

  • A high-pitched noise of discontent, pain and/or fear
  • Response to pain or immediate danger
! URGENT NOTE: Check on your pet ASAP to make sure everything is okay!

6 Guinea Pig Care Mistakes.

When dealing with guinea pigs, many mistakes are made by a simple action: visiting a pet shop. People imply by default that every and any product offered by a shop for a certain type of pet is legit and safe. Unfortunately, it is not. One of those products is a leash for guinea pigs, which in fact is a very bad idea. Cavies have very delicate spines and bone structure which can not tolerate stress generated by hamster wheels. Avoid at all costs.

Similar product, and our mistake number two, is a Hamster Wheel, which some people promote that it also works on cavies. But here is a fact: it does not work on cavies. Moreover, guinea pigs could seriously hurt themselves on that thing because of their delicate spines and bone structure which can not tolerate such stress.

Getting at number three, by putting your pet on the direct sunlight on the hot summer day, by believing that he/she need to get some sunlight and to get out of the shades. But in fact, guinea pigs have LOW tolerance for high temperatures and could suffer a heat stroke. They do prefer shades, after all, they are prey animals.

Single Guinea Pig is a mistake number 4. It could be easier to maintain and control, it is cheaper, maybe less messy, but the fact is, guinea pigs are social (herd) animals and they need company besides their human caretakers, no matter how much time they spend with their pets every day.

Small Cage is one of the most common mistakes, and here it is on number 5. Small cages do not enable fair air circulation, and there is a serious danger of higher toxic gasses fluctuation inside the cage. Smaller cages are messier, need cleaning more often, more unhealthy for your pet, and not to mention that cavies need larger living space because, well, they tend to grow.

Mistake number 6 involves improper diet - one of the most dangerous mistakes. Giving your pet human junk food, dairy products, wrong vegetables, too much fruits, or anything that is not on the "safe list", creates a danger for your cavy. Seeds are also a mistake because they are mostly empty calories with no significant nutritional value, plus bonus feature: they are choking hazard. Learning guinea pig food preferences is one of the most important prerequisites for having a guinea pig for a pet.

I've made a great deal of research about guinea pigs, and wish to share the knowledge to all who are interested. 

To learn the guinea pig language, Guinea Pig Sounds are available for playing.

How to Select a Good Dog Walking Service

Dogs are such friendly animals that many people like to have them as their pets. Dogs are sincere and lovable with their owners which make them great companions. If you can’t take your dog out a few times a day for walks, a dog walking service is the answer you’ve been looking for. Selecting the best one is easy enough to do if you do your research and make the right choice in the end. 

Importance of a Dog Walker

If you decide to have someone walk your dog for you, a dog walking service is ideal. The dog walker will take your pup out for a walk for an hour in the morning or the evening time, whichever is best for your schedule. A dog walker will fill in for you when it comes to walking your pup when you are unable to do so. Check to see how your dog and the dog walker get along so that you feel confident knowing they will be good companions when they are together. An insured and bonded dog walker is also an ideal feature to look for when choosing a dog walker. 

Just try to be extra careful when selecting the dog walker. After all, you will be leaving your pet in the hands of another and want to make sure that they receive quality care all around. 

Why Dog Walking?

If you are a dog owner, you won’t always be able to take your pet for walks on a daily basis. The dog walker who you hire can take on this role for you and walk your pup when you ask them to. Plus, dog walkers are professionals and know how to handle your dog in the best possible way. The dog walker may even train them while they are walking them which also will help you out in the end. Dog walkers fill plenty of roles and you may find a dog walker who will walk your pet and offer many other pet care services as well.
Local matches qualified pet owners seeking dog walking, pet sitting, pet boarding, pet grooming and other pet related services, to an elite network of insured and bonded pet service professionals.

Get more info about dog walking services @LocalDogWalker

Tips for Litter Box Training a Dog

Smaller dogs obviously have smaller bladders. That means that they have to go outside more often than their larger counterparts. One way to avoid frequent trips outside is to teach your small dog how to use a litter box much like a cat. 

Be aware that your dog's won't have a cat's natural instincts when it comes to using a litter box or burying waste. Therefore, it will take a lot of patience when it comes to litter box training a dog. The following tips should help somewhat though.

Many people are surprised to learn that there are litter boxes designed especially for dogs. However, you can still use those designed for cats. Just make sure that it's one of the largest that you can find so that your dog doesn't have space issues.

Your little one won't just go running to the litter box whenever it's time for him to go to the bathroom. You will need to pick him up and take him there instead, at least until he gets used to the process. This means that you'll need to keep a watchful eye on your canine. 

Dogs typically start walking in circles or sniffing the ground whenever they're about to go. Dogs also have to eliminate whenever they wake up in the morning, so take him to the box then too. A few minutes after he eats is another time that he needs to be taken to the litter box.

You may not want to go about litter box training a dog right from the start. The old method of using newspaper will help considerably. Once your dog gets used to going on the paper, you can just switch it out to a litter box.

As with any type of training, you will need to be patient with your dog. Whenever things go right, make sure that you praise him for it. Give him a nice treat or two whenever he successfully uses the litter box too. 

Conversely, make sure that your dog gets the message whenever he messes up. Don't worry about scolding your dog if you find an accident at a later time, since doing so will do no good. Catch him in the act and reprimand him, just not physically.

When there are accidents, make sure that you're prepared. You will need to clean up messes thoroughly. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell, and will be drawn back to spots that they've eliminated on in the past.

Litter box training a dog isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. However, it will save you a lot of trouble if you can do it successfully. Good luck.
As every owner is aware, there are many things that can go wrong with your pet's health such as gastritis in dogs. It is every owner's responsibility to know when there is something wrong with their pet. Therefore, stop by today to learn about many of the health problems that can affect your canine friend.