Monday, May 13, 2013

Are Saltwater Aquariums Hard? - Five Things That Can Make Keeping a New Saltwater Tank Difficult.

Are saltwater aquariums hard? That is a question that many people interested in marine tanks often ask. It is also a question that has many answers depending on many things, things that are often controllable by the person planning the tank. Below you find some of the things that make saltwater aquariums hard to keep and are easy to avoid.

Things That Can Make Saltwater Aquariums Hard To Keep

Buying Small Tanks- If this is your first attempt at keeping a marine aquarium you should bu a tank that is at least 30 gallons or larger. Anything smaller will require more attention to detail and water quality and be less forgiving to a beginners mistakes.

Unknowingly Keeping Difficult Fish- One huge and common beginner saltwater aquarium mistake is to buy marine fish for your tank that will not survive in captivity or fish that are very delicate. To avoid this stick with some good common beginner saltwater fish like clown fish, damsels and other easy to keep fish.

Setting It Up Like a Freshwater Tank- Many people think they can setup their new saltwater tank just like a freshwater tank. Many use an under gravel filter and just like in their freshwater tanks. This is a recipe for disaster and sick fish. Instead use a good canister filter or a sump style filter with a good protein skimmer to filter your water properly.

Constant Tinkering With The Tank- Another common mistake many people make with a new marine aquarium is to always have their hands in the tank re arranging the decoration and things like that. That is one sure way to stress your fish and make them sick.

Adding To Many Fish To Fast- Overstocking is a sure fire way to have saltwater fish that are stressed, fighting and dieing. As a good rule of thumb start off keeping only one clown fish sized fish for every ten gallons of tank volume. Add the new fish slowly waiting about a week between new additions, adding them to fast can over whelm a new aquarium system and an ammonia spike could occur and kill all of your saltwater fish.

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