Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Most Common Cat Health Problems

You may think that your kitty is self-sufficient, but like any other pets; she needs your help to ensure her excellent health. This means that you need to bring your kitty to your local animal clinic for regular check-ups and get her the vaccine shots required to protect her from cat illnesses and diseases. Prevention and early detection of diseases and health problems are the keys to ensuring that you cat is in excellent condition.

As a pet owner, you must also educate yourself about the common ailments that your pet might suffer from. The more aware you are about their ailments and symptoms, the better you can provide care and treatment before the illness becomes fatal. Here are a few of the most common cat health problems.

  • Skin Problems

This is a very common problem among felines. You might discover skin problems in your kitty when you groom them, and chances are it is still treatable. Itching and hair loss are the common symptoms of dermatological problems. Other symptoms might include dry skin, redness, blisters, scabs, or bad skin odor. If you notice that your cat is scratching her body excessively, or if she bites or chews at herself, you must try to pinpoint the cause of the irritation and take the necessary action. The most common causes of skin problems are:

Food allergies
Flea allergies
Fungal infection
It is vital to address this condition as soon as you observe the symptoms on your cats. In addition, make sure that it is not a skin problem that can be transmitted to you or your other feline friends.

  • Heartworm Disease

Cats are not the usual host for heartworm; however, felines who are infested with them might show certain symptoms, such as coughing, vomiting, and respiratory problems. This disease can be fatal and it is very unfortunate that there is no known treatment. Thankfully, many cats can fight this disease on their own. In addition, veterinarians may also prescribe medication to reduce the symptoms or they might perform surgery to remove the heartworms; however, this is also a risky procedure.

  • Obesity

Based on recent studies, about 50% of cats are overweight. Cat obesity is very common and it can be the result of free-feeding or making food available to cats all day and all week, high-carb dry food, and sedentary lifestyle. You have to understand that obesity can lead to other health problems. In fact, obese felines are more likely to suffer from diabetes, non-allergic skin problems, and they have a higher risk of developing liver disease.

  • Feline Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

This is a general term for various conditions that affect the feline bladder and urethra. The common symptoms of this condition are:

Difficulty urinating
Pain when urinating
Frequent urination
Blood in your cat's urine
Your cat might excessively lick their genitals
This condition is commonly diagnosed in overweight or middle-aged cats that are in a dry food diet or have restricted access outside. It is vital to provide your kitty with fresh, clean water supply to help increase their water intake. In doing so, you can prevent this condition from developing.

This article is written by a writer who specializes in pet care and health. She advises her readers to consult a vet from Arbor Vet to find out more about the common cat health problems and how to prevent them.

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