Monday, May 13, 2013

7 Ways to Stop a Dog From Peeing in the House.

There are two reasons why a dog may pee in your house, the first is simply the dog peeing for relief the second is the dog marking its territory in your house. To identify the difference between the two is quite easy, when the dog marks his territory he will normally do this by peeing on upright objects such as door frames, furniture and walls. When a dog pees to empty its bladder it will normally leave a large puddle on flat surfaces such as the floor.

Here are a few things you can do to try stop your dog from peeing in the house:

If the dog sleeps in the house try giving it water to drink earlier in the evening and before you go to sleep take the dog outside to pee. Don't limit drinking too much as you don't want to dehydrate your dog.

A dog that feels a sense of insecurity within the family may pee more often so it helps

How to Breed Koi for Profit.

Believe it or not, it's not as crazy as you might think to breed Koi fish for profit, as thousands around the world have done so with decent success rates. Knowing how to do it, though, is another matter altogether; let's review exactly what you need to do in order to breed Koi fish for profit and turn a very unique source of income into a business and a successful and profitable endeavor.

What's Your Breeding Stock Like? 
First and foremost, it's critical that you have a good Koi breeding stock to source from and begin breeding on your own, or else your job may be over before it begins. A good stock means working with a good supply of quality fish, and you may need to spend a

Great Fish For Your First Saltwater Aquarium.

If you're considering a saltwater aquarium then you probably already have some ideas of the fish you want to keep. You may not know all their names, but you at least have a mental image of what they look like and can picture them swimming happily up and down your tank already. But before you get too far ahead of yourself, let's take a closer look at those fish and see if you're headed for a tropical paradise or a underwater disaster.

What makes a good starter fish? 
First, we need to determine just what it is that makes a fish suitable for the beginner in the first place. Meeting every single one of these criteria for each fish isn't critical but doing so will ultimately mean less problems later.

Small Size- probably the most important, you need fish that will fit happily in your aquarium. 
Friendly- you also need fish that won't kill each other. 
Hardy- some fish are extremely delicate so avoiding them is key. 
Affordable- it's your first tank and mistakes are prone to happen; at least you can avoid them being costly mistakes.

Setting up a Saltwater Fish Tank.

A saltwater fish tank can be one of the most striking additions to any home or office. The color and brilliance of the fish and other saltwater creatures captivate just about everyone by bringing the color and activity of a coral reef right into your home.

If you are new to saltwater fish tanks then it is a good idea to seek the expert advice of a professional fish tank keeper before setting up your tank. It does take quite a bit of up-front work before you can even begin to introduce fish, corals, and anemones to a new saltwater aquarium. The water needs to be at the optimum ph, temperature and salt content before it is safe for living animals. Because the fish and other creatures are quite expensive it pays to have the tank properly set up otherwise you could end up with sick or dying fish whose cost is impossible to recoup.

The fish you can put in one of these aquariums are quite breathe taking. The lights of the tank help bring out the true colors of these fish and colored corals creating a lively vibrant habitat. One thing you can do to further the illusion of the deep blue sea is to add a solid blue background to your tank.

When it comes to choosing fish there are literally hundreds to choose from. Some of the choices include: Lion Fish, Puffer Fish, Clown Fish (think Nemo), Eels, Panther Groups, Trigger Fish, Shrimps, Crabs, and Dog Puffers. You do want to be careful with the shrimps, crabs and snails because they can and will eat any anemones you may have.

There are some saltwater aficionados who keep tanks with just living corals and anemones in them which can be quite colorful and entertaining, just at a more relaxed pace. You can keep some fish in these types of tanks but to be aware that some fish view coral and anemones as food. Even though anemones look like plants they are actually living creatures that need to be fed. This is actually quite fun because you can hand feed them. You place the on top of the anemones tentacles and then watch it curl itself around the food as it draws it into its mouth. It's quite an amazing thing to watch.

You will also need to research the type of fish you are interested in to see how they get along with other types of fish. It is important to remember that the dynamics of a saltwater fish tank will be much like that in a real coral reef. There is prey and there are predators so it makes sense to not mix certain types of fish that have this type of relationship.

There are also some types of saltwater fish that are poisonous with Lion Fish being the most notable example. They are pretty to look at and add to any tank but the spines on their fins are highly toxic if you get stung. If this does happen you will need to seek medical help.

Along With the Tank, What Other Saltwater Fish Aquarium Equipment Do You Need?

Saltwater fish aquariums are not as easy to look after as you would first imagine. In fact it is best before you go out and buy a saltwater fish aquarium, that you spend time learning about all the aspects of having one.

Unfortunately when it comes to keeping a saltwater fish aquarium, it is not a simple case of your bringing the tank home, filling it with water and putting the fish into it. You need to learn about how to set it up correctly, as well as learning about how to maintain your aquarium once it is set up.

Heating And Lighting For Your Saltwater Fish Aquarium

The most popular type of heater used in aquariums that contain tropical fish, is the submersible ones which contain a thermostat. These particular types of heating systems that are available for your tank help to keep the water within, at a temperature which the live fish find comfortable.

All species of marine life like to be kept in water that is at a constant temperature of around 75 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit. These conditions are ideal for the saltwater fish in your tank, as this is the temperature at which they were kept in the tanks at the tropical fish store where you purchased them.

If you have a large sized aquarium, then it is crucial that, rather than purchasing one heating system for it, you purchase two. These should then be placed at either end of the tank to ensure that the water within is heated to the correct temperature at all times. Plus it is advisable to have a thermometer (some of which stick to the outside of the aquarium) to help you monitor the temperature within.

Lighting is crucial in any tank as not only does it make it look good, but also you will find that it is important to the health and well being of the fish kept within. Through the use of the right lighting, then the correct 8 to 10 hour light cycle can be produced, which will then simulate the conditions of life in the wild for the species that you have in your saltwater fish aquarium.

You have a choice between either installing fluorescent lights in your tank, or the much newer form of lighting known as metal halide. Certainly the metal halide lights are the right ones to have in a reef tank where corals live. This is because it helps to promote the growth of algae which the coral requires in order to thrive.

Other Important Equipment For Your Salt Water Fish Aquarium

Another important piece of equipment that you will need for your aquarium is something to cover the base of the tank. When it comes to keeping tropical aquarium fish, then you have the choice of two different ways of covering the base of the tanks to start with.

Generally most people who have a saltwater fish aquarium in their home choose to have both marine sand and live rocks in theirs. Not only do the rocks look great but they have a function to help maintain the tank and ensure it remains safe for the fish that are kept in the aquarium.

As well as being suitable for use in a saltwater fish aquarium, the marine sand and live rocks are suitable for use in reef and coral tanks as well. The rocks actually have their own bacteria living on them which helps to filter the water within the tank, and reduces the levels of ammonia and nitrate which can build up in a saltwater fish aquarium.

The Types of Saltwater Fish Aquarium Setups.

Saltwater fish aquarium setups need to be planned carefully and you need to make sure that you have purchased all the right equipment first. As you will soon discover, there is really no right or wrong way in which one should be setting up a saltwater fish aquarium, but you do need to know the basic procedures. Also it is a good idea to plan in advance before you actually start working on setting up your first saltwater aquarium.

What Kind Of Saltwater Fish Aquarium Should One Choose?

When it comes to setting up a saltwater fish aquarium, one first has to make a decision what kind of saltwater aquarium system it is you want. There are three different types of saltwater fish aquariums to select from, and each one needs to be set up in a slightly different way from the others. These are known as the Fish Only (FO), the Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) and the Reef Tank systems.

The first saltwater fish aquarium system, known as the Fish Only system contains only fish such as Angelfish, Clownfish or Guppies. It does not contain any kind of coral or live rocks, but rather will contain artificial, dried or synthetic ones along with shells.

The second saltwater fish aquarium system is known as Fish Only With Live Rock. While these kinds of saltwater fish tanks do contain live rocks, they do not contain live corals. They will have some live invertebrates and crustaceans, as well as sessile invertebrates in the tank also. Sessile invertebrates are those which are capable of growing on live rock.

The third and final saltwater fish aquarium system is known as the reef tank setup. This system of aquarium not only contains various species of saltwater fish and marine life, it will also include live rocks and corals, as well as sessile and motile invertebrates and maybe some crustaceans also. You may even find with this particular saltwater aquarium, that some aquarists prefer not to keep fish in theirs.

What Next When Setting Up A Saltwater Fish Aquarium?

Once you have made a decision with regard to the kind of saltwater fish aquarium you want from the three mentioned above, you need to now start purchasing the right equipment and supplies for your saltwater fish tank. Along with the tank, you need good lighting, good filters and filtration system (which will help to remove food and waste from the saltwater aquarium tank), substrate (sand/gravel), a good heater and a thermometer. Also you will need the right kind of saltwater or sea salt mixture to turn your freshwater into saltwater.

The other supplies that you will need, along with the ones we have mentioned above, are a hydrometer, a test kit, supplements and additives, such as calcium and nitrate and particular tools that will help you to care for and maintain the saltwater fish tank.

When keeping a saltwater fish aquarium, it may well be advisable to purchase these other supplies for yours also, but you do not need to. A power head is a great tool for your saltwater fish tank as it makes sure that the water actually circulates around the entire aquarium properly, and throughout the whole system. A protein skimmer is advisable, as this can help you to remove any yellow waste products produced by the fish after feeding, and ensure that your fish remain healthy.

Five Different Kinds of Saltwater Aquariums.

When starting a saltwater aquarium there are several things you need to know. In this article I will go over the five main types of marine aquariums. Before we get into each type in detail, here are a few things to keep in mind. Typically saltwater aquariums have less fish than a freshwater tank of the same size. This is because saltwater fish tend to be larger than freshwater fish. Pet stores usually get their fish from breeders and aqua-farms or they are caught in the wild. Whenever possible you should by captive bred fish as opposed to ones caught in the wild. Generally captive bred fish are easier to take care of and hardier. Also it is difficult for wild caught fish to adjust to life in an aquarium. For example fish that are used to eating live prey don't adapt well to eating flake food.

As with freshwater fish, saltwater fish can be from cold water or warm tropical regions. You cannot keep these two different kinds together for apparent reasons. Mainly because of the differences in water temperatures. Since the tropical variety of fish tend to have beautiful and colorful markings which make them more desirable to hobbyist, they are more available than their cold water cousins. Most people are more familiar with a number of tropical saltwater fish whether they know it or not! Everybody knows what a clownfish is especially after the movie "Finding Nemo." But have you ever heard of the Shanny or Tompot Blenny? Those are some examples of cold water species.

Fish Only Tank

There are five main types of saltwater aquariums that you can choose from. The first type is referred to as a fish only tank. Because of its simplicity, this is the easiest to care for. In this type of system you only have fish, no corals or invertebrates.

Invertebrate Only

The second kind of saltwater tank is an invertebrate only tank. In an invertebrate only tank you will find shrimp, prawn, hermit crabs and possibly even a sea cucumber! An invert only tank may house only corals, especially the kind that have special requirements or are too delicate to place in other types of marine tanks. These tanks can be more tricky than fish only systems because of certain requirements of the inhabitants and because inverts tend to be less tolerant of fluctuations in water conditions.


The third type of marine tank is a Fish Only With Live Rock tank or FOWLR for short. FOWLR tanks have inverts, corals, fish, and also live rock. This type of tank requires yo to do some research. The research should include: which kinds of fish and inverts can live together peacefully, the specific requirements of each species, and whether you can meet those requirements. Can the two fish you are thinking of get along or will one become a meal for the other one? FOWLR tanks are harder to treat if you have a disease outbreak such as saltwater ich because some medications will kill inverts. So you have to have room for a separate hospital or quarantine tank for medicating purposes. Don't get me wrong this type of tank is amazing to watch the different fish and inverts interact and with a little preparation they can be very successful.

Reef Tank

The fourth type of aquarium is called a reef tank or coral reef tank. These tanks house not only fish and inverts, but also corals.

Some hobbyist take it a step further and try to create a reef scene from a specific part of the world, such as the Red Sea coral reefs or Great Barrier Reef. They would plan out the tank's inhabitants using only species found on that coral reef. Once again, know the requirements of any creature you plan to include. Some corals may need high intensity lights to produce algae they need to survive. Or certain breeds of fish may eat certain types of coral, or other fish!

Species Tank

Lastly, you have what is called a species or specialty tank. A species tank houses one specific breed of fish or sometimes only one fish because of either the nature of the fish or the nature of the breed. Sea horse would be an example of a species tank because sea horses have very specific needs which would be hard to meet in a reef tank. They are slow eaters so they couldn't be housed with aggressive fish who would eat all the food before they had a chance to get any. Sea horses swim vertically and not horizontally so they need a tall tank rather than a long shallow tank. Other examples of fish for a species tank could include sharks, rays, lion fish, and octopus. These would be best kept in their own tank.

So there you have it, five different types of tanks to consider. No matter which one you decide to model, always research the types of fish, corals, and inverts you think you want to have first. This is the most important thing you should do before you purchase anything! You don't want to stock your tank only to find one fish terrorizes all the others or that your angel fish made a snack out of the expensive corals you bought last week! Be sure you can provide for all the requirements of your tanks inhabitants. If you do these things, you'll be on your way to a successful tank!

Starting a Saltwater Aquarium - FOWLR - Fish Only With Living Rock.

Fish only with live rock (FOWLR) aquariums can be an amazing and beautiful addition to your home. Besides seeing it on T.V. how else can see such colorful and amazing marine life? Saltwater (FOWLR) aquariums contain saltwater fish and living rock. Other creatures that can live in this type of tank are snails, crabs, and urchins. The great thing about a FOWLR tank is that the rock filters the water naturally. These aquariums are also much easier to setup and maintain compared to a coral reef aquarium. There are basically two types of FOWLR aquariums that you can setup: one for aggressive fish or one for peaceful fish. We suggest not mixing the two.

Aggressive Fish

These creatures are beautiful, but are really the bullies in a coral aquarium. They do however live peacefully in a FOWLR aquarium. Here are some of the most popular ones:

Large Angelfish 

Large Angelfish are a vey unique and striking fish. They dart all over the aquarium and help keep the tank clean by eating algae in the rocks.

Surgoenfish (Tangs) 

Surgonfish have scalpel-like spines on both sides of it's tail. This is a defense mechanism. They like to hide and prefer a large tank.


Triggerfish have a rectangular shape and sow in several different colors. They are called triggerfish because their dorsal fun has a strong bone that is used to help hold their position in the rocks.


Pufferfish look like they have a beak and have really strong jaws that they use to eat crustaceans. It is common for pufferfish to even eat out of someone's hands!

Peaceful fish


Dartfish are small and colorful fish. They have a long and elegant look. They are an active fish and even like to jump, so make sure you keep the lid on your tank


Cardinalfish are also very elegant. They have very interesting color patterns. They like to live in groups and are not too hard to breed in your tank.


Squirrelfish do not like acorns and have fluffy tails. They are red and bring some color to your FOWLR aquarium. They are also a very social fish.

Are Saltwater Aquariums Hard? - Five Things That Can Make Keeping a New Saltwater Tank Difficult.

Are saltwater aquariums hard? That is a question that many people interested in marine tanks often ask. It is also a question that has many answers depending on many things, things that are often controllable by the person planning the tank. Below you find some of the things that make saltwater aquariums hard to keep and are easy to avoid.

Things That Can Make Saltwater Aquariums Hard To Keep

Buying Small Tanks- If this is your first attempt at keeping a marine aquarium you should bu a tank that is at least 30 gallons or larger. Anything smaller will require more attention to detail and water quality and be less forgiving to a beginners mistakes.

Unknowingly Keeping Difficult Fish- One huge and common beginner saltwater aquarium mistake is to buy marine fish for your tank that will not survive in captivity or fish that are very delicate. To avoid this stick with some good common beginner saltwater fish like clown fish, damsels and other easy to keep fish.

Setting It Up Like a Freshwater Tank- Many people think they can setup their new saltwater tank just like a freshwater tank. Many use an under gravel filter and just like in their freshwater tanks. This is a recipe for disaster and sick fish. Instead use a good canister filter or a sump style filter with a good protein skimmer to filter your water properly.

Constant Tinkering With The Tank- Another common mistake many people make with a new marine aquarium is to always have their hands in the tank re arranging the decoration and things like that. That is one sure way to stress your fish and make them sick.

Adding To Many Fish To Fast- Overstocking is a sure fire way to have saltwater fish that are stressed, fighting and dieing. As a good rule of thumb start off keeping only one clown fish sized fish for every ten gallons of tank volume. Add the new fish slowly waiting about a week between new additions, adding them to fast can over whelm a new aquarium system and an ammonia spike could occur and kill all of your saltwater fish.

Four Easy Tips To Make Your Saltwater Tank Thrive!


The most important need that any creature has is the necessity for food. It is important to mimic the kind of food that a fish would usually eat in the ocean. Before buying a fish, find out what it usually eats in the wild. Some fish are used to eating live prey. Some have very specific dietary needs that you may not be able to provide for, such as if the fish only eats a specific kind of sponge coral. Most fish, especially if they are tank raised eat flake, frozen, or freeze dried food. These varieties are readily available at your local pet store. The cool thing about fish food, especially if you have a small tank, is that they don't go through it the way that dogs or cats go through food. A 2.2 ounce container of flake food can last upwards of a year for a small tank! In addition to food, there are vitamins that may be added to the meals to replace any nutrients that may have been lost in the freezing or drying process.

Just as we humans do not prefer to eat the same thing every single day, neither do fish. If possible, keep several varieties of food on hand. For my clownfish I keep flake food and freeze dried brine shrimp. These two types of food are available at my local pet store and quite cost effective being as a meal to them is only a few flakes at a time.

Do not overfeed!

Watch out to not over feed the fish. This can cause a build up of debris with in the tank. Only feed an amount that can be consumed within the first two to five minutes. Attempt to remove any excess food after feeding time in order to keep the tank tidy. Keep in mind how much was consumed previously and attempt to replicate that on the subsequent feedings. Over feeding fish is a common mistake, especially among new aquarium owners.

Provide a natural habitat

Have you ever heard the saying that a happy baby is a healthy baby? Effectively, the same is true for fish. Fish must be made to feel as safe and secure as possible in their new home. It is best to try to recreate their natural habitat. Research to seek out what kind of particular corals, sponges and plants the fish have in their open water environment. If a particular fish lives on a coral reef, attempt to incorporate that into the grand scheme of the aquarium. Also consider the swimming habits of the fish you intend to keep. Regal tangs and tangs in general like wide open swimming spaces. Other species are shy and need a lot of hiding spaces. By providing a natural environment stress will be minimized by offering ample opportunities for fish to behave normally.

Don't overcrowd!

Avoid overcrowding the tank. Overcrowding occurs when there are too many fish in the tank. This is a frequent problem that cam be easily avoided. A general rule of thumb is one small fish per every ten gallons of water.

Goldfish Care 101

There is a lot of ignorance when it comes to goldfish keeping, and this leads to the reduced life of these wonderful fish. Most of the time, people get goldfish because they do not want to commit to keeping a 'real pet'. We generally assume that they are going to die soon anyway and therefore don't think twice about getting one or two from the pet store. Before you can go and buy a goldfish, stop and first read these care guidelines and spare the poor creature its life.

When it comes to goldfish care, three areas need to be considered and these are the tank, the water and the fish itself.

The Tank

First of all, fish cannot survive in a bowl. Not only are they tiny, but they also have poor air quality and needless to say the fish really has nothing to do except swim around in circles. Bowls provide terrible homes for fish and if you must keep a goldfish, invest in a large tank or aquarium. One of the most important things you can do for your fish is to ensure that its home has a gravel floor. Gravel does not affect the water's pH and is great for hosting good bacteria.

The Water

Goldfish are not weaklings, and contrary to what most people think they do not require heating. The main problem comes in with changing temperatures and as a general rule do not let the waters go under 54 degrees F (12 degrees C). Large water changes are always more suitable than small water changes. Goldfish tend to produce a lot of waste which then combines with the decaying plants and uneaten foods, consequently increasing the levels of ammonia and nitrates in the water. Ammonia is especially toxic to the fish and you need to encourage the growth of good bacteria by changing water weekly and having a good filtration system in place.

The Goldfish

How you care for the fish matters. These fish get stressed easily and factors such as overcrowding, insufficient space, low water levels and sudden changes to light and temperature are just some of the things that lead them into shock. It should come as no surprise that the fish love to feed but as you may have noticed they don't stop feeding, so be careful not to over feed them.

Keeping goldfish is not rocket science, caring for them is rather easy. If you are thinking of getting a goldfish because it's pretty and cool then by all means do so but give the fish the care it deserves.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Parrots As Pets - 8 Parrot Species Described

Parrots are wonderful creatures with their stunningly beautiful colors, super intellect, and their show-stopping ability to speak words and imitate sounds. If you are considering adopting a Parrot here are brief descriptions of eight types. Most have considerable life spans, so knowing what to expect will go a long way towards helping you choose once and well.

  • African Greys

African Greys are medium size birds that are grey and sometimes have a red tail and or red wings. Many speak using a large vocabulary of words, and imitate sounds they hear, but there is no guarantee that every Grey, and more specifically, your Grey will speak. Buying the bird for this feature is not a good idea. They can be very loud, and sometimes even scream. They are demanding in terms of the human attention they need, but will more than reward your attention with love and loyalty.
  • Cockatiels

African Greys are medium size birds that are grey and sometimes have a red tail and or red wings. Many speak using a large vocabulary of words, and imitate sounds they hear, but there is no guarantee that every Grey, and more specifically, your Grey will speak. Buying the bird for this feature is not a good idea. They can be very loud, and sometimes even scream. They are demanding in terms of the human attention they need, but will more than reward your attention with love and loyalty.

  • Cockatoos

Cockatoos look very similar to Cockatiels but are much larger and can be aggressive and even bite if caution is not used. This is a generalization, but making sure you choose one that is gentle will make a better pet that can be enjoyed by you and children in the family as well. They are much more costly ranging upwards of $1,000 as opposed to Cockatiels which range in the $100's to purchase. They are quite loud, but can learn a wide variety of words which is one of the reasons for the added cost to purchase.

  • Conures

Conures are small in size by parrot standards with long tails and a wide variety of vivid colors available. They are highly intelligent and love to play and clown around. They can be taught to do tricks, and may learn to speak. An experienced owner who is home a lot is best because they need a minimum of several hours each day of socialization to avoid behavior problems and biting. Providing lots of toys can cut down on their natural tendency toward excessive chewing. Their screeching is a well-known trait, and whereas it is not desirable to totally eliminate it, early training can keep it from becoming a problem.

  • Lovebirds

Lovebirds are generally only 5 to 6 inches long and come in a variety of colors. If you have a lot of time adopting one will work; if not, getting 2 at the same time will provide the social interaction that they need, but be prepared for them bonding more to each other than to you. Though small in size, they have big personalities and need daily training and handling to keep them tame. They can bite and be territorial so they are not for the faint of heart. But with proper care they can be cuddly, loyal companions that live 15 years or longer.

  • Macaws

Macaws are the largest birds in the Parrot family and can live on average up to 50 years. Know that adopting a Macaw means a commitment for life. Because of their size they need a lot of space inside the cage, and need to be allowed outside the cage daily for a minimum of several hours. They have strong beaks and can chew excessively to the point of destroying furniture. They need daily human interaction and training, and a wide variety of toys that are rotated on a regular basis to provide constant stimulation.

  • Parakeet

Parakeet literally means long tail and serves as an excellent beginning to the description of this medium size member of the Parrot family. Available in a wide variety of colors, they range in size from 7 to 18 inches long. Their personalities are generally friendly, social and energetic making it a popular choice for those who want a bird as a companion. They are quite intelligent and in many cases can learn to speak.

  • Parrotlets

Parrotlets are miniature size parrots that offer the same wide spectrum of colors generally associated with the Parrot family, only they are usually less than 5 inches long. Though small, they are fearless and will often attack other bigger birds and animals. They, as any bird, should be constantly supervised when out of the cage and kept separate from other birds and animals. With proper care they can live 15 years or more.

Regardless of the Parrot you choose, using an air purifier is an excellent way keep your bird's air passages clear and to avoid respiratory infections that can be caused by bird dust, dander, and feathers. An excellent resource for a HEPA air purifier for birds is offered by PurerAir - the Bird Dander Purifier.

    Training Your Parrot

    Parrots are great pets for the family. you will notice very quickly that these breads of birds are very intelligent and quick learners which makes the training very easy and exciting for the trainer.

    You must never forget that birds with great intelligence can easily get bored with their training, this means as the training instructor you must spend the time needed to make your parrot feel content with being in your presence.

    This will include both time and patience to correctly train your bird. by taking your time and being patient you will create a bond with your parrot that will last a lifetime.

    By following a few very easy steps you can easily start the training for your bird. First thing is when you start your training session always take the bird out of the cage and find a small quiet area away from the cage. This will make it much easier for your parrot to stay focused and devoted to the task at hand.

    The next step is to eliminate all distractions in the training area. Distractions in the training area will cause your parrot to get sidetracked and will result in a poor learning session. make sure you turn off the stereo,cell phone and TV.

    Remember this, Parrots are like raising your young children. Training sessions should be small periods of time, Parrots have very small attention spans so take your time and always be patient.

    Another thing to remember choose your session time around the bird's daily schedule. One of the best times to start a training session Is right after a meal, Your bird will be content and pay attention to what you are teaching. Always compliment your parrot, The more the better. Parrots really appreciate being complimented.

    OK now this is very important, In the beginning of your training if it does not seem to be working at a level you wish it was. Never let your parrot see your stress level If you get mad and show your stress level to your bird, This will cause a undesirable encounter for the parrot which will in return cause a focus and learning problem in future training sessions.

    Now its time to teach your bird a new trick. If you use a treat to compliment the trick your bird will remember this and start to work for the treat. Another thing you should always remember is: Not just birds but all animals respond to training session better to compliment compared to punishment or yelling at them. Always avoid yelling or punishing your bird even when they are performing a trick wrong.

    Ignoring bad conduct is always the best thing to do when in a training session with your bird. Parrots do not understand a unfavorable offer or punishment. So this being said understand that if you decide to respond to your parrots bad behavior this may in fact be taken into view from the bird as constructive attention. This in return will cause undesirable conclusions to the training sessions.

    Also remember your parrot will always love food and treats for compliments, but always try to praise worthy conduct and promote play around time. otherwise, you will have a problem getting your bird to perform or participate in training tricks when a snack or treat is not offered.

    Repeating the tricks over and over again is very important to being successful in the training of your pet. The more you repeat the better your parrot will get. Just keep repeating these training steps over and over, And in time your parrot will learn the tricks and it will get easier for your bird to complete the trick. This general instructions concept will work for easy tricks as well as advanced talents.

    For instance start out with a easy trick like having your parrot sit on your finger on demand. Use only 1 Keyword for each trick, And use the keyword every time you practice the trick. Remember never force or push your bird to train. If your bird seems to be tired or uninterested in training, Immediately stop the session and start the training session at a later time.

    As time goes on and your parrot starts to learn tricks and commands you can start moving the training area closer to the bird's cage. As the confidence builds in your parrots unique skill they will begin to perform more and more in the household as well as there own bird cage.

    Parrots learn amazingly fast in almost all cases. Not only by repeating training sessions but by just listening to sounds around them. So be careful what you repeat around them because chances are you will hear your own words sometime in the near future.

    Just remember a few important things training a parrot requires a lot of patience and time. To make the partnership worthwhile you have to exchange love and take the time to understand your bird. With love training and proper care you can and will end up with a well trained bird and friendship that will last a lifetime.

    How Pet Health Insurance Can Save You a Ton of Money

    Pet health insurance is fairly new, but it is by far not a new idea at all. There are lots of cases in which pet health insurance is going to benefit you and your animals, and it is important to have the right kind of insurance for your needs.

    First of all, it is important to understand how pet health insurance works. When you have a pet health insurance plan, it is similar to when you have a health insurance plan for yourself. You pay for the pet health insurance, and then the visits to your vet, the shots, check ups, and medicines, as well as any emergency care, will be covered by the pet health insurance. Not all plans will cover all of the things that you might need to purchase for your pet's health, but the insurance programs that are in place work with pet owners to make sure that the costs for pet care are as low as possible. This is something that you want to think about, because it can allow you to truly be able to take care of your pet in the best way possible.

    When you are paying your pet health care premiums like you are supposed to, you will be able to keep the costs of your animal care as low as possible. This is important for you, because it means that you can take your pet to the vet and get the type of care that you would like to get - and you'll be able to afford it as well. This is very important for you, and for your animals, because it means that small things won't have to turn out to be big things.

    With the right type of pet health insurance, you'll be able to get things covered that you wouldn't normally be able to cover on your own. Studies have shown that when pet owners have access to pet health insurance, they are more likely to get the types of regular and preventative care that their animals need. It is important for you to remember that having pet health insurance might just be the way for your animals to get the care that they need.

    Your pet has become a part of your family and you want to make sure that they remain as healthy as possible. While you obviously do not want to pay out more money than you need to, this type of pet health care can save you a ton of money when compared to paying for each visit to the vet individually, and it will also cause you to have checkups and routine diagnostics done on a regular basis to keep your pet healthy.

    Don't deny your pet the type of care that you want them to have - and don't worry that it might be too expensive. Pet health insurance is affordable, and you can customize it to your needs as a pet owner. You'll be able to make the most out of your pet insurance, and your pet will be able to make the most out of his or her health!

    Pet Health Insurance - Are Wellness Care Benefits Worth It?

    Pet owners should purchase pet health insurance to cover those unexpected accidents or illnesses where the cost is unknown -- potentially hundreds to thousands of dollars. Coverage for wellness care where the procedures and costs are predictable should be a secondary concern. Since wellness procedures and products can be planned for and saved for, not all insurance companies offer wellness care benefits. Following your veterinarian's recommendations about wellness care is extremely important to your pet's overall health and well-being. Wellness care prevents disease and allows early detection and intervention that saves lives, reduces suffering, and saves you money because prevention inevitably costs significantly less than treatment.

    What are we referring to when we say wellness procedures and products?

    - Wellness examinations by your veterinarian

    - Vaccinations for infectious diseases as indicated

    - Intestinal parasite testing - Heartworm testing

    - Feline leukemia and AIDs testing

    - Spay and neuter

    - Blood and urine testing for early disease detection screening -especially for senior pets

    - Heartworm preventative medication

    - Flea prevention and treatment medication

    - Dental prophy

    Wellness care procedures and products should not be expensive.

    Companies that offer wellness care benefits don't always cover everything in the list above. Some companies offer different levels of wellness coverage. Pay close attention to what they do and don't cover. Be sure to ask if there is any restrictions on how long after you purchase the policy until your pet is eligible for wellness care benefits. There may be a waiting period. Some companies advertise almost double in benefits compared to what you pay in extra premium for wellness coverage. Realize, however, that you likely won't get everything on the list every year.

    For example, you will only get your pet spayed or neutered once. Some practices are now recommending vaccinating for some diseases every three years instead of annually. The bottom line is that you likely know about what you pay for wellness care annually. I would go through the list above and write down the cost of each procedure or product. If you don't know, call your veterinarian and get an estimate. Then, it is simply a matter of adding up the benefit reimbursements that you would receive for those procedures and products and subtracting the additional premium you pay the company to cover those things and see if you would come out ahead.

    Sometimes it is hard to estimate accurately. If a company pays wellness benefits according to a defined benefit schedule (usually listed on their website), it is relatively easy. But, if a company pays according to a schedule of what is usual and customary for your region of the country (usually not listed on their website), it is harder, if not impossible, to determine if you'd come out ahead. The company may not be willing to tell you what the benefit would be for each procedure or product in the list above until you actually file a claim. It is also hard if the company includes wellness care in their accident/illness coverage for one premium (not as an additional rider). You don't know how much of the premium is going for the accident/illness coverage and how much is going for wellness care coverage.

    Wellness benefits may be worthwhile if purchased for a new puppy or kitten. Some companies now offer generous benefits to cover the complete puppy or kitten vaccination series. This is also the best time to get your pet neutered or spayed which is also covered in most policies as a wellness care benefit. You may also be reimbursed for heartworm preventatives and flea control products. If purchased as a rider, you can always drop the wellness coverage later. If it is included in the policy (not a separate rider), you must be careful and inquire whether changing to another policy later on will affect your accident/illness coverage -especially how pre-existing conditions are handled.

    Pet Health Questions - Some Perspectives

    Whether you have a dog, cat, fish or rabbit, there are a number of pet health questions that are frequently asked. Everything from reproductive questions to pet health care questions are asked. To help you out with some questions you may have of your own, here are 6 frequently asked groups of pet health questions.

    1. When should a puppy or kitten begin vaccinations? And how regularly are vaccinations required?

    While the answer to these common pet care questions vary, the general rule of thumb is that pet vaccinations should commence at or around 8 weeks of age. It is commonly thought that further vaccinations should be given 4 months apart from each other, meaning puppies receive vaccinations at 8 months, 12 months and 16 months, while kittens receive them at 8 months and 12 months. However, although many vets would still have you believe that annual vaccinations are necessary, all veterinary protocols now indicate that they are not. Many experts believe that no vaccinations are required beyond 12 months of age. Others feel boosters may be necessary every 3 to 5 years

    2. What are heartworms? Is it necessary to give preventative heartworm treatment?

    Heartworms are parasites that live in your pet's heart. This is an extremely important pet health question to pay attention to because heartworms can become lethal to your pet. Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes, so in the Northern Hemisphere heartworm is certainly more prevalent during June to November. Heartworm prevention treatment is essential. Heartworm is considerably more common in dogs, but can and does occur in cats as well.

    3. Are rabies vaccinations needed? Are rabies vaccinations mandatory?

    Because of the serious affect rabies has on pets, it is vital that you give your dog the proper pet care, and vaccination for rabies is one such measure you can take. Rabies affects all mammals and the argument for inoculating your pet is that there is always the potential of a bat or other form of animal with rabies getting inside your house. But really, how likely is that in a city or suburban area? On the other hand, the arguments for and against rabies vaccinations can become moot in areas where the shots are mandatory. Check your local laws before deciding against vaccinating your pet against rabies. You could be breaking the law by not doing so.

    4. How long does pregnancy last in a dog or cat? Is veterinary assisted labor and birth necessary?

    This is a common pet health care concern because all species go through a reproductive cycle. The timeframe that a dog is pregnant for is 63 days and cats are pregnant for 61 days. Although pet owners who are experienced in overseeing dogs and cats give birth may not need the assistance of a veterinarian for the actual labor and birth, as soon as the puppies or kittens are born, they should be examined by a veterinarian within 24 hours.

    5. How soon can a dog or cat be spayed after giving birth? Is spaying necessary?

    If your dog or cat has experienced an unwanted pregnancy, you should be very concerned to ensure that it does not happen again. There are far too many unwanted puppies and kittens in this world. Generally you want to wait to spay your dog or cat until the puppies or kittens are weaned the mother's milk has dried up. As soon as these two phases have occurred, you can spay your pet.

    6. Is it normal for a cat to vomit hairballs? What can you do to prevent hairballs from forming?

    Certainly it is common for cats to groom themselves and ingest a large amount of fur while doing so. However, if your cat is vomiting hairballs, this means that the hair is not moving from the stomach to the small intestines. The proper pet care for his problem is to give your cat pastes, treats or food that is made to help dissolve the hairballs.

    If you're a pet owner, you probably have an array of pet health questions on your mind. Although there are hundreds of common questions pet owners have, these are a few of the most frequently asked pet health questions.

    How To Properly Care For Your New Kitten

    Kittens develop quickly, so it is important for the animals to receive excellent care during the first several months of their life. Kittens that are well cared for are more likely to grow into healthy, happy pets that enjoy the company of people and other animals living in the home. Whether pet owners are dealing with an unexpected litter or they have just brought a new kitten home, they should take the time to learn how to care for kittens.

    If a mother cat has abandoned her kittens or she is unable to feed them for any reason, they need to be fed a nutritional mother's milk supplement until they are six weeks of age or until they are able to eat solid food and drink milk or water on their own. Kittens should visit the vet between six and nine weeks for an examination, parasite testing and to receive their first set of vaccinations. They need to receive three sets of vaccinations in total. The vaccinations protect the kitten from contracting a variety of serious diseases including rabies, feline distemper and feline rhinotracheitis. A good vet will answer any questions people may have about pet health and caring for kittens during the examination.

    When bringing a new kitten home, it is best to keep it in a small room for a few days so it has time to adjust to its new surroundings. Any household pets should be introduced slowly so the kitten feels safe and secure. Kittens are very curious creatures so people need to put any small objects away to prevent choking. Once the kitten begins to relax in its new environment, it can begin to roam the house. It is a good idea for people to train their kitten to use a scratching post while they are young. Pet owners should provide a scratching post for their cat as well as a comfortable pet bed and plenty of cat toys.

    It is a popular misconception that kittens are ready to leave their mother at six weeks of age. By six weeks, most kittens are eating dry or wet food, drinking water out of a bowl and using the litter box but this does not mean they are psychologically ready to go to a new home. Between six and twelve weeks of age, kittens learn how to interact well with their littermates and mother. If taken from their mother too soon they can develop lifelong anxiety problems. Since a kitten's immune system is not developed until around three months of age, kittens that leave their mother too early are at risk of becoming ill. The ideal time for kittens to go to a new home is at twelve weeks of age.

    6 Common Cat Health Problems Faced By Pet Owners Today

    If you are an existing cat owner or thinking of getting a kitten, you have to understand that similar to humans, felines too are prone to health conditions, some of which are common while others more severe. Immediate and effective treatment is essential for the well-being of your kitty and understanding the common cat health problems and symptoms will enable you to care for your cat in a more responsible manner. The following article lists 6 common problems faced by cats today.

    • Cat Hairballs

    As cats often groom themselves, they are prone to hairballs. These are conditions that occur when the cat swallows balls of hair that are shed from their body while they are in the process of cleaning themselves. This becomes a serious problem when it goes to the intestines and creates a blockage, which could result in the death of the cat.

    • Fleas and Mites

    If you allow your cats to venture outdoors often, you have to mentally prepare yourself for the day that it contracts fleas, especially those that cause anemia or carry the tapeworm egg. Another common problem in cats is mites, which occur in their ears. When you see your cat scratching or shaking her head excessively, it is likely that it has mites.

    • Worming

    Roundworms and tapeworms infection are also two common cat health problems today. Roundworms often lead to vomiting and diarrhea in cats while tapeworms can cause skin irritation, especially around the anus. Regular de-worming is essential for cats to keep them away from such ailments.

    • Urinary Tract Infection

    Cat urinary tract infection is more common in males though it can affect female cats as well. It is a condition where felines need to pass excessive urine, either in quantity or frequency. Cat urinary tract infection is also marked by an enlarged bladder and requires immediate attention.

    • Kidney Diseases

    Cat renal failure or kidney failure is also a common occurrence in cats, which require immediate attention to avoid further problems, especially death. Increased thirst is one of the symptoms of renal failure in cats.

    • Bronchial or Respiratory Diseases

    Bronchitis, especially of a chronic nature, and asthma are two common diseases in cats. Coughing is a common symptom of chronic respiratory diseases in cats and requires attention from your vet.

    While these are just a sample of some common cat health problems today, pet owners are advised to keep a look out for the above symptoms and to consult a vet if necessary.

    The Most Common Cat Health Problems

    You may think that your kitty is self-sufficient, but like any other pets; she needs your help to ensure her excellent health. This means that you need to bring your kitty to your local animal clinic for regular check-ups and get her the vaccine shots required to protect her from cat illnesses and diseases. Prevention and early detection of diseases and health problems are the keys to ensuring that you cat is in excellent condition.

    As a pet owner, you must also educate yourself about the common ailments that your pet might suffer from. The more aware you are about their ailments and symptoms, the better you can provide care and treatment before the illness becomes fatal. Here are a few of the most common cat health problems.

    • Skin Problems

    This is a very common problem among felines. You might discover skin problems in your kitty when you groom them, and chances are it is still treatable. Itching and hair loss are the common symptoms of dermatological problems. Other symptoms might include dry skin, redness, blisters, scabs, or bad skin odor. If you notice that your cat is scratching her body excessively, or if she bites or chews at herself, you must try to pinpoint the cause of the irritation and take the necessary action. The most common causes of skin problems are:

    Food allergies
    Flea allergies
    Fungal infection
    It is vital to address this condition as soon as you observe the symptoms on your cats. In addition, make sure that it is not a skin problem that can be transmitted to you or your other feline friends.

    • Heartworm Disease

    Cats are not the usual host for heartworm; however, felines who are infested with them might show certain symptoms, such as coughing, vomiting, and respiratory problems. This disease can be fatal and it is very unfortunate that there is no known treatment. Thankfully, many cats can fight this disease on their own. In addition, veterinarians may also prescribe medication to reduce the symptoms or they might perform surgery to remove the heartworms; however, this is also a risky procedure.

    • Obesity

    Based on recent studies, about 50% of cats are overweight. Cat obesity is very common and it can be the result of free-feeding or making food available to cats all day and all week, high-carb dry food, and sedentary lifestyle. You have to understand that obesity can lead to other health problems. In fact, obese felines are more likely to suffer from diabetes, non-allergic skin problems, and they have a higher risk of developing liver disease.

    • Feline Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

    This is a general term for various conditions that affect the feline bladder and urethra. The common symptoms of this condition are:

    Difficulty urinating
    Pain when urinating
    Frequent urination
    Blood in your cat's urine
    Your cat might excessively lick their genitals
    This condition is commonly diagnosed in overweight or middle-aged cats that are in a dry food diet or have restricted access outside. It is vital to provide your kitty with fresh, clean water supply to help increase their water intake. In doing so, you can prevent this condition from developing.

    This article is written by a writer who specializes in pet care and health. She advises her readers to consult a vet from Arbor Vet to find out more about the common cat health problems and how to prevent them.

    How to Choose the Best Cattery

    If you are going away on a vacation or a business trip then you may have to place your cat into a cattery. Before you choose a cattery you should take a number of things into consideration to make sure that it is the most appropriate choice for you cat. This article provides some simple tips that will allow you to choose the best cattery in no time at all.

    • Location

    The location of the cattery is an important thing to consider. You should make sure that it is close enough to where you live so that you can easily drop your cat off there and collect it on return from your trip.

    • Living Space

    You will want to ensure that the cattery has the appropriate living space to make your cat as comfortable as possible. The space should also be a good temperature and have areas which out of direct sunlight; some catteries have indoor and outdoor sections. Most catteries will offer a comfortable bed or sleeping area for your cat as well as a litter tray. The area should be kept clean at all times. You can check out pictures of the cattery online, and you should also inspect the living space when you go to the cattery in person to make sure it is up to your standards.

    • Feeding

    Obviously your cat should have access to fresh water at all times. Most catteries will have set feeding times for all of the cats. If your cat has special dietary requirements then be sure to inform the staff who should be able to accommodate your cat's needs.

    • Cost

    The cost of the cattery is going to affect where you choose to send your cat, but at the end of the day you should always aim to pick the cattery which you feel will be able to look after your cat in the best way possible. Most catteries operate on a daily rate, and some will offer discount rates if you have two or more cats as they can share accommodation.

    • Vaccinations

    Most catteries will ask that any cats that are staying there have had all of the correct vaccinations. This is to prevent the spread of disease and make sure that all cats are healthy.

    • Reviews

    It may also be worth checking out the reviews of the cattery. You can do this by asking for past client testimonials, or by looking online for some independent reviews of the cattery. You may also want to ask friends and family if they have had any experiences in using a cattery, or if they can recommend a place to you.

    • How to Find a Cattery

    The best place to search for catteries in your area is online. All large catteries will have a website which will list more detailed information on the services that they offer, as well as information on how to book a stay for your cat. You should book with plenty of time in advance to ensure that you can get a spot in your chosen cattery. Always take a look around the cattery before dropping your cat off to make sure it is clean and that all the cats are looked after properly.

    Cat Pee Can Be Controlled In The Home

    If you love your cat as well as your home, you will need to deal with the unpleasant task of dealing with cat pee. Few things can make your home as unpleasant as the stink of cat urine. If you want to reside in a relatively stink-free and stain-free home, cat house training is a necessity. Your home will smell and look better. Your cat and guests will also want to thank you for making your home a pleasant one.
    For several reasons, which I will explain, cat pee can be very strong. Their urine can be quite concentrated due to the fact that they do not drink a lot of water proportionately to some of the other animals. Because of this stones and 'sand' can form in their urinary system causing problems and even dangerous blockages. Because cats can be so finicky about their water they may refuse to drink enough.
    Providing free water changed very often and in vessels they like helps dilute the urine and produces cat pee that does not smell quite as strong. Some vets advocate using a little salt in food to encourage cats to drink more water, but always check before doing this. In nature, cats need very strong, smelly urine as part of their natural behaviors to mark out a territory and establish who is the "top cat."
    Cats that are restricted to indoor life may also mark their territory by "spraying". When spraying, the animal releases cat pee and other glandular secretions that contain malodorous chemicals onto surfaces. Reducing stress and behavioral training can correct this behavior. However, many non-breeders choose to neuter their pets to circumvent the problem. Spraying is not limited to the male gender. Even some female cats will spray.
    Assuming the cat isn't physically or emotionally ill, training is simple. Most kittens are using their box by the time they are a few weeks old. They copy their mother and require little attention from their human owners. However, cats transitioning from outside rovers to inside pets may need a little training to recognize the purpose of the litter box. Adding some attracting herbs or pouring some urine from an accident into the box should help teach the cat. Once the cat is regularly using the box, the training is complete.
    Even the best litter can't contain the smell of cat pee indefinitely. Litter should be scooped immediately and changed periodically. Litter boxes that automatically clean themselves can help. There are also odor absorbing additives in some litter that can reduce the smell of urine. When a cat urinates outside of a litter box many pet owners think this is an accident but it may actually be the cat's refusal to use a box they deem to be too dirty.
    An upset or ill cat may also deposit urine outside of their litter box. Cats can be spiteful and punish their owners for things like moving their items or bringing in another pet to the home. Giving the cat some extra affection may help the situation.
    Dealing with cat pee at some point in time is one least favorable things about being a cat owner. For most normal people the smell of cat urine is so unpleasant that it cannot be lived with from day to day, this is why cat house training as well as controlling odor are imperative. An upset or ill cat may also deposit urine outside of their litter box. Cats can be spiteful and punish their owners for things like moving their items or bringing in another pet to the home. Giving the cat some extra affection may help the situation.

    Cat House Training Solutions For You

    Dogs, cats, and other pets can enrich our lives, by sharing companionship, love and entertainment with those who love them. Cats are favored by many people who are looking to adopt a pet because they are less demanding of time and space, making it easier to include them in a hectic lifestyle.

    This does not let cat owners out of their responsibility for proper training and maintenance of their cat. Despite the independent nature of cats, several house rules need to be defined to ensure that all of those living in the house will be healthy and well.

    It's especially important to train your cat where to relieve himself. It is a health hazard for both humans and cats to live in a house covered with urine and/or feces. It's also messy and unsanitary. Cats may urinate to mark their territory indoors or to let you know when you're in their bad graces. However, the owner needs to stop this behavior as urine and feces can cause both the humans and cats living in the house to become ill.

    For most people, the reasons for cat house training are obvious. No one prefers to spend time in a space smelling of cat urine. The smell can be strong to the point of overwhelming. Although treatments exist to remove the odor from carpeting and bedding, it is better to avoid dealing with the problem.

    Most cats can be easily house trained. As a owner, you must identify and maintain the area where your cat will relieve themselves. Cat house training may seem difficult, but because cats prefer a clean environment without feces or urine where they sleep or eat it is not as hard as you might think.

    Any cat owner, with a little patience can achieve successful training. After you purchase a litter box, you need to fill it with clumping kitty litter or special crystal granules designed for that purpose. After each meal and whenever he or she seems ready to eliminate, you need to lift and place the cat in the litter box.

    It is a cats instinct to naturally cover up their bodily excretions by digging in dirt or litter. Cat house training is utilized by making your cat feel praised, and reinforcing the positive aspects when they use the indoor litter box correctly.

    We love our pets they enrich our lives. Cats are favored by people looking to adopt a pet. They are less demanding for our hectic lifestyles. It is dangerous to our health to live in a house that has cat pee everywhere. Therefore making it extremely important to house train your pet. Cat house training is a must if care for the appearance and smell of your home. Cats will litter box train easily. Then you won't have the smell of cat urine on your furniture, or flooring that is nearly impossible to get out. Remember to praise your cat for using the litter box.

    7 Ways to Stop a Dog From Peeing in the House

    There are two reasons why a dog may pee in your house, the first is simply the dog peeing for relief the second is the dog marking its territory in your house. To identify the difference between the two is quite easy, when the dog marks his territory he will normally do this by peeing on upright objects such as door frames, furniture and walls. When a dog pees to empty its bladder it will normally leave a large puddle on flat surfaces such as the floor.

    Here are a few things you can do to try stop your dog from peeing in the house:

    If the dog sleeps in the house try giving it water to drink earlier in the evening and before you go to sleep take the dog outside to pee. Don't limit drinking too much as you don't want to dehydrate your dog.

    A dog that feels a sense of insecurity within the family may pee more often so it helps to show more affection and attention to this dog.

    Dogs instinctively are territorial especially males so neutering may solve the problem but it is not 100% guaranteed. If the habit of peeing in the house is deeply ingrained in the dog then neutering probably won't work. Keep in mind that neutering is permanent so breeding won't be possible later.

    House train your dog from as young as possible. Teach your dog to pee outside before he develops the habit of peeing inside. Start off by limiting his access in the house but at the same time allowing easy access to get outside as much as possible. Close all the doors you can and keep a very close eye on the dog. If the dog starts to sniff the same spot on the floor or starts circling the same spot this is a sign of him getting ready to mark. Just as his lifts his leg to pee, distract him will a loud sudden noise to get his attention to you then "NO" Command him. What is very important to remember is not to shout or hit the dog as this will break down his confidence which may cause the dog to start marking more regular. Keep a watchful eye on the dog and continue to "NO" command him until the habit is broken. It may take a few days to a few weeks to stop the dog from urinating in your house.

    What works quite well is to clean up any fresh pee as soon as possible. Don't use any detergents that contain ammonia. If the dog smells the ammonia he may think it is the smell of another strange dog and will then mark with his own scent over it. What works well is to mix equal portions of vinegar and water and use this to clean the urine. The vinegar breaks down the scent very well.

    You can also wipe up the urine with a cloth. Take the cloth with urine outside and wipe it onto an object such as a tree. This will hopefully entice the dog to mark outside more often.

    If the dog never use to pee in the house before, then rather take him to the vet as he may have an Urinary Tract Infection.

    As you can see there are many things you can try to stop this horrible habit, so good luck!

    Taking Your Dog to a Dog Park (What Is Important to Know and Take With You)

    You've decided you want to take your dog to a dog park. You've never done this before. What do you need to know to make it a good experience and to keep you and your dog safe? Let's discuss three main points to consider before you and your pooch head out for the afternoon: your behavior, your dog's behavior and what to bring and not to bring with you to the dog park.

    Your behavior sets the stage for either a good experience or one that is less than pleasant. You should be focused on your dog and not distracted. Think of it as taking your toddler to the playground and either not paying any attention at all to what is happening to her or giving her your undivided attention. Keep control of your dog. Always keep a leash with you, and especially the first time at the park, you may want to keep your dog on a leash (a least on a long one). This will give you a bit more control over the situation should a problem or challenge arise. Don't take small children with you. You will be distracted, and a small child may be perceived as prey for a larger dog at the park. That wouldn't end well, and we're gearing up for a pleasant and successful time for all.

    Your dog's behavior - It's very important for your dog to be good on recall. Personally, my adopted dog Chloe was never good on recall. Whatever her experience with her first family was, "come " meant run as far as you can as fast as you can. Needless to say, she was not a good candidate for a dog park, and definitely not an off-lead park. We never went. Your dog should also not be allowed to charge up to strange dogs no matter how friendly or good-intentioned he may be. Another more timid dog may perceive this as aggressive behavior. I'm sure you can connect the dots on that one. Do I need to say that dogs who are aggressive towards other dogs and people should not go to dog parks? Yes, I probably do need to say that.

    What should and shouldn't you take with you to the dog park. Bring a lead. A long lead is a good idea especially for the first visit or two. Bring a bowl or collapsible water dish and some water. Don't bring rawhide or food related treats; these can start trouble especially with dogs who lean toward food aggression. You may decide to bring small training treats to reward your dog for good behavior. (Side note: don't give treats to another dog without that dog guardian's permission. Dogs can have allergies to ingredients like wheat, soy, chicken, etc. so make sure you ask before giving another dog a treat. Make sure your dog has his collar and id/rabies tags on it. And... for goodness sake, bring poo-poo bags, and clean up after your dog!

    As you can see, there are some important things to consider when planning a trip to your local dog park. Most of them are basic and not rocket science, but being sure to adhere to them can make your trip to the dog park a great experience for you and your pooch... an experience that you will want to enjoy again and again!