Friday, May 10, 2013

Pet Care Essentials: Understanding The Nature of Your Pets

Pets are wonderful companion to all age groups. From kids, to rebellious youth and retiring adults, pets have such impacts in the lives of many that they are treated as an important household member. This might be hard to understand for those who do not have pets yet. Some non-pet owners think that taking care of pets brings additional work to their already burden-filled schedule. However, owning and caring for a family pet does not have to be a difficult or burdensome experience. This is especially true if we get to understand how our pets behave.

According to veterinary medicine professionals, there are quite a number of pet behaviors that are commonly misinterpreted even by long time pet owners. The long list include how dogs bark too much, urinate inside the house, and dig a lot, as well as how cats always lurk around the fish bowl or bird cage, eliminate outside the box, and scratch its claws almost everywhere. 

However, according to a resident veterinarian from a reputable animal hospital in Wesley Chapel, Florida these are but normal animal behaviors which can be traced to their innate make up. For instance, pets are bred for different reasons and specific purposes which causes their temperaments, abilities, and learning styles to vary. As the resident veterinarian has put it, "Expect that if you have sporting dogs, you are in for a pet with lots of energy because they evolved from dog hunters trained to hunt for long periods of time. If you take herding dogs, expect that it will lead groups of children or pets. Understanding breeds is vital in understanding pet behaviors."

So to avoid unnecessary problems, our veterinarian stressed how importance it is to provide our pets with appropriate tools with which they can vent out their behaviors. Because cats always scratches, give them something to scratch their nails on. Consider that cats scratch to remove the dead sheaths on their claws, to stretch their tendons and muscles, and to mark their territory. Because dogs dig a lot, provide him with his own sandbox or spot in the yard. Digging is a way through which dogs cool themselves.

Understand too that our pets behave differently in various emergency situations. Often emergency situations causes panic and trauma to our pets. Dogs for instance are usually afraid of thunder and can leave home, destroy furniture, or soil dens out of panic. Make sure that you have read various emergency preparation materials and are properly equipped in case a disaster hits. But if you need to leave the house for safety purposes, one option for your pets is to check them in a pet boarding institution. If you do this, you are assured that your pets are in the hands of professionals. In Wesley Chapel, an animal hospital is known for its pet boarding services.

If you still feel that there is really something not normal with how your pet behaves, consult immediately with your veterinarian. Make sure that your pets never misses their trips to the veterinary clinic so that they are monitored continuously.

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