Friday, May 10, 2013

What Is It About Catnip?

Have you ever tried giving your cat catnip?  If so, what was their response? Statistics show that about 50% of cats seem to be affected by catnip and the behavior that results varies widely between individuals.

I don't know about you, but catnip has been a life-saver for me and my feline family. I never questioned what or why my cats were so strongly attracted to catnip. I just knew that when my three diva girls were in a snit, I could always rely on catnip to mellow them out. I know, it sounds so 70's but it's a fact. A couple of sprinkles of a good grade catnip and "the girls" were rolling around, rubbing on everything they could and then settling in to a serene state of peace. It was like magic! Just what is it about catnip? I know it is in the mint family and that the active ingredient that draws the cats to it is nepetguealactone. The plant itself is a perennial herb that is considered a weed by many gardeners. It has the general look of mint with long stems and bilateral leaves and but it is identifiable by it's characteristic clusters of white-purple flowers on the stem ends. How does catnip work? The alluring scent of catnip's active ingredient,nepetalactone, must be inhaled to effect the cat. The scent is received by the vomeronasal organ, also known as the Jacobson's organ, which is located in the back of the cat's nose. The subsequent stimulation causes the Flehman response, which is the funny face your cat makes when he curls back his lips and slightly opens his mouth. This action presses his tongue against the roof of his mouth, forcing air through the vomeronasal organ. Your cat is actually smelling and tasting at the same time. Yes, he has a Sixth Sense!! When a cat sniffs nepetalactone, it can act as a stimulant. However, nepetalactone acts as a sedative if eaten.  Cats will frequently rub against or chew on catnip to bruise the leaves and stems, which then release more nepetalactone.

The behavioral response is said to look like the cat is "intoxicated" or "drunken" and cats have been seen rolling around in ecstasy after having indulged in the herb. Some people will buy their cats toys stuffed with catnip and watch as little kitty prowls around to find the best method of attacking the toy and batting it around. Some will sprinkle a little catnip on a rug and let their cat sniff, eat and rub around on the leaves. Catnip is also known to be a digestive aid and can be sprinkled on your cats food. So that's what it is about catnip.

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