Saturday, May 11, 2013

Betta Fish Care: Proven Tips for Avoiding Betta Fish Diseases

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And truer words were never spoken when it comes to betta fish diseases. Because it is so much easier to keep your finny friends healthy and happy than it is to cure them of what ails them. Assuming of course you can even figure out what ails them to begin with. 

Sadly there are many betta fish owners who are struggling with keeping their charges in the pink so to speak. While for some keeping their fish alive for longer than a few months is proving easier said than done. Again this is often because many do not know what to look for when it comes to diseases that bettas are prone to. 

But a lot of this grief for you and your fish can be avoided it you'll but follow a few common sense rules. They are relatively simple to understand. And following them can go a long way to keeping your fish healthy. So rather than get into all the ailments that can strike your fish, let's see if we can't help you avoid all that unpleasantness by taking a closer look at what steps to take to keep your fish healthy in the first place. 

Rule#1: Keep the water pristine at all times. 

Rule#2: Keep the water temperature tropical. 

Rule#3: Do not overfeed your bettas or risk violating Rule Number 1. 

Noww if you read anything about betta fish care you'll soon come across the words "regular water changes". This applies whether you keep your fish in a gallon bowl, (not recommended) or a 20 gallon tank. You see, betta fish need water quality that is a cut above. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates all can build up. And when they do the fish suffers. And a suffering fish is more apt to become a sick fish. This is why you want to change the water your prized crowntail occupies to keep the levels of those toxins to a minimum. Zero is the target reading for those pollutants. And you get there and keep it there by taking water out of the tank and replacing it with fresh. 

Oh and while we're on the topic of water ditch any notions you have that distilled water is best. It's not. Zero minerals do not a healthy betta make. So stick with conditioned or aged tap water. Your fish will be "betta off" pardon the play on words when you do. 

Next you want to remember that halfmoon bettas are tropical fish. They need water that is consistently kept around 80 degrees F or so. That's hard to do without a heater. Even harder still to do if you insist on keeping your fish in a tiny bowl. Not only will higher temps be more comfortable for your fish, they'll keep parasites that thrive in lower temps at bay. Leaving you less health issues to worry about. 

It also helps to remember that all tropical fish are consummate beggars. Bettas are no exception. They can easily convince you they are starving. And who doesn't like to feel good by giving those flashing fins a treat? Problem is when the treats aren't all eaten you are just contributing to water problems. Not to mention the risk of overfeeding and all that entails. So the way to your fish's heart isn't through their stomach. It's by taking the high road to health and only feeding what they need, not what they think they want. 

There are few things as fulfilling as seeing a healthy betta fish recognize and greet you when you enter the room. Remember these three rules and you too can enjoy that feeling for years to come.
This article was provided by If you need help diagnosing betta fish diseases, want to know how long bettas live or are confused about the best thing to feed your bettas, that's the site for you. When it comes to betta fish care you will find that site to be a gold mine of useful tips and ideas.

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