Saturday, May 11, 2013

Cat Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a cleansing mechanism of the body to rid of foreign substances that have irritated the bowel tract. Because diarrhea is abnormal we know that the cat is sick and we become frightened. Fortunately there are home remedies for cats which will aid the cat to return to its normal pattern. 

To restore your cat to becoming normal in the elimination process you need to consider feeding him bland foods such as chicken, beef, turkey, or lamb baby food. 

White Chicken or fish is also a good option. If your cat likes rice, macaroni, or potatoes mix any one of these with chicken or beef as treatment. 

Unflavored yogurt is another good choice to be considered. The yogurt helps to restore the necessary bacteria in the intestines. 

Do not give milk or other dairy products, as cats are lactose intolerant. Dairy products are difficult to digest and your cat is weak from the diarrhea. 

One day of diarrhea is okay, but if it lasts longer you will need to see your vet. And before you see your vet you will need to be prepared to help with the diagnosis as to the possibilities which might have caused the diarrhea. 

Here is a list of possibilities for the diarrhea:

Did you discover your cat eating out of the garbage? Did you introduce a new food? Has there been a change in activity? Is your cat experiencing stress? Has your cat played or eaten a non-food item? Has your cat eaten people food? Did any food that your cats consume contain dyes or artificial ingredients?

Also note any other symptoms that your cat may be experiencing. Symptoms may include vomiting, difficulty in walking, fever, and worms. These other symptoms could possibly indicate feline distemper or other types of diseases. 

One day is a light case of diarrhea and with the assistance of home remedies it will clear. However, if the diarrhea lasts more than one day and no matter what you do you cannot control it, see your vet. Do not let the diarrhea last more than twenty-four hours. After that time frame it becomes a very serious condition. 

Also kittens less than twelve weeks of age should be taken to the vet immediately. Do not let a whole day pass.

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