Saturday, May 11, 2013

How To Care For Your Betta Fish.

Betta fish, or betta  splendens (their scientific name), come from a decent sized genus of fish, commonly called Siamese fighting fish. They are relatively small in size and usually brightly colored. Bettas are a special kind of fish called a labyrinth fish. They are typically aggressive fish, and were forced to fight each other for lots of yearsbrutal actions have earned them the title Siamese fighting fish. For this reason, They are usually happiest when in their own tank.

Bettas are relatively small. The average Bettas barely get to 3 inches long in their lifetime. Bettas in the fish stores have vibrant and exotic colors. These fish are the results of many years of selective breeding. All have fins that are fairly small, but because of selective breeding some have larger fanned out fins.

For the most part, it's a good idea to keep male bettas separate. They will battle one another every chance they can if they are together. This is also true for betta fish of opposing sexes. Unless you are breeding betta fish – which is really best left for the more seasoned fish keeper, one shouldn't ever keep opposing sex betta fish with each other. Female bettas are the exception. With the condition that you have a large enough tank, you can have groups of 3 – 7 females together. There should also be lots of of places to hide when they are kept together. However, bettas are able to be be in the same tank as other varieties of fish. Learn about betta fish compatible tank mates to ensure you choose the right types of fish.

They have a really unique mating system. The male spreads out his fans and flares his gills to try to arouse the female. The female will darken in color when she becomes aroused. A nest of bubbles will be made near the surface by the male. 

At this point, the female will drop her eggs, so the male can fertilize them. The male betta will then gather up all the eggs in his mouth and deposit them carefully into the nest of bubbles. The fertilized eggs will stay in the safety of the nest of bubbles while they hatch and are able to swim on their own.

Recognizing their violent attitude, it's no big shock that they are carnivorous fish. They have upturned mouths and enjoy feeding on the surface of the water. Mosquito and other insect larvae provides most of their diet in the wild. If you own a betta, you can find specific food that is called betta pellets. Betta flakes and pellets are a combination of brine shrimp, shrimp, grains and mosquito larvae. it is also possible to find frozen foods to feed your betta fish.

Many people say that Bettas have a lifespan of only two to three years, yet in a proper fish tank, betta fish can live for as long as seven years. Just make sure that you provide the right habitat and food. If you are searching for a really amazing fish to keep, Bettas are a great choice.

For More Information About Betta Fish Click here

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